To Love and To Perish

To Love and To Perish by Laura Durham

Book: To Love and To Perish by Laura Durham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Durham
ask?” I put the “Anne and Michael” cocktail napkins back on top of the stack. “And now she watches Cops , too. I hear her singing the theme song in the hall all the time.”
    â€œAt least that gives you fair warning that she’s coming.”
    â€œThat and her battery operated clothing,” I said. “We should be grateful that she didn’t want to stay and discuss the murder.”
    â€œWhat’s to discuss?” Richard took the last swig of his wine. “I, for one, don’t want to relive the horror any more than I have to.”
    I felt wobbly in the knees thinking about Carolyn’s lifeless body swinging in midair. “You don’t think Byron or Gail really had anything to do with the murder, do you?”
    â€œI know neither one ended things on good terms with Carolyn, but a lot of people had issues with her. I don’t think that’s a reason to kill someone.”
    I shook my head. “People have killed over a lot less.”
    â€œWhat would Gail or Byron gain from Carolyn’s death?” Richard rinsed out his wineglass and pulled down a paper towel to dry it. “That’s a lot of effort to go to just to get back at someone.”
    â€œYou’re right, but then who killed her?”
    â€œThat’s for the police to find out, Annabelle.” Richard eyed me. “If you’re thinking of getting any more involved in this mess than we already are, you’ve lost your mind.”
    I waved off his concern. “Don’t worry. You don’t have to tell me twice.”
    â€œOh, I think I do. Do I need to remind you what happened the last time I warned you not to stick your nose in police business?”
    â€œI was a different person then.”
    â€œTwo months ago?”
    â€œMy point is that I have no intention of investigating the death of Carolyn Crabbe. Detective Reese and his pudgy pal can have that all to themselves.”
    Richard put the back of his hand to his forehead. “You don’t know how relieved I am to hear you say that.”
    â€œI can’t promise not to talk about it, though. I’m sure everyone will be asking about it at the Organization of Wedding Planners meeting tomorrow.”
    Richard rubbed his temples. “You have an OWP meeting tomorrow?”
    â€œAt the Willard. All the wedding planners in town will be there, including lots of the old-timers who know the scoop on Carolyn and her possible enemies. I’m dying to find out all the people who had it in for Carolyn.”
    â€œBe careful, Annabelle. The guest list could very well include a killer.”

Chapter 10
    â€œYou worry too much, Annabelle,” Kate said as I pulled in front of the Willard Hotel’s regal black and white awning wrapped in garland. “The most dangerous thing about the OWP holiday lunch will be Byron Wolfe if he has too much to drink.”
    â€œI don’t know why we have booze at a lunch meeting anyway. It isn’t even noon.”
    â€œIf you ask me, it takes the edge off everyone.” Kate opened the passenger side door as I rolled to a stop and stepped out of the car. “Not a bad idea with this crowd.”
    I handed my keys to the approaching valet. “To have them drink too much and get sloppy?”
    â€œNo.” Kate grinned at me. “It takes the edge off them if I drink.”
    I raised an eyebrow and led the way up the stairs and through the revolving brass door into the hotel lobby. To call the Willard lobby ornate would be an understatement. Enormous marblecolumns rose two stories in the air and a massive Christmas tree stood in the center of the lobby surrounded by wrapped boxes. Poinsettia trees in colorful Chinese planters were dotted throughout the room, making the lobby a riot of red. Some of the usual furniture had been moved to accommodate a life-sized gingerbread sleigh filled with presents and surrounded by fake snow. I took a deep breath

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