True Nature
mother’s example of what a family should be. She was a tyrant, totally overshadowing his father when Eric was a child. Her advice to Eric on our wedding day was to ‘make sure she knows who’s in charge.’ He took it to heart.”
    I grimaced at the sweet honesty in her words. It was her world, and she had come to grips with it and realized she could take control of it. I looked up at Hunter. I was sure he was thinking the same thing.
    He confirmed that when he said, “We’ll do everything we can to make sure your wishes are carried out exactly as you want.” He took Kinley’s hand into both of his. “Right now, we’re going to make sure you’re safe.”
    She gave him a sad smile. “Thanks, but you can’t be with me twenty-four hours a day. I also know a lot of this depends on my own determination, and, by God, I’m as determined as hell to be strong and independent. I want to rescue myself.”
    She was such a little thing, and she had such aspirations. Would we be able to help her achieve them?
    I shivered as another one of those feelings—another portent?—moved over me.

Chapter 4
    A locksmith and his assistant made quick work of Kinley’s front, back, and garage doors. Then Hunter and Zoe talked Kinley into joining her daughters at her sister’s house. If Eric decided to return, she’d be gone, safely stowed for the weekend.
    About eleven-thirty, Hunter pulled to a stop beside Zoe’s car. Crime scene tape was plainly visible in the woods, bright yellow against the snow and the bare winter trees. It wasn’t difficult for Hunter to relive the scene he had happened upon last night.
    “Something wrong?” Zoe asked as she reached for the passenger door handle.
    Hunter forced last night’s carnage from his mind and teased her, “I wonder if the handsome Detective Scala will be showing up to interview you again. Maybe you’ll get lucky.”
    “No.” She was emphatic. “I want him to stay the hell away. I don’t like lying to anyone, much less the police.”
    “So you’d turn him down if he called?”
    She started to speak, then gave a reluctant laugh. “Well, it’s against my better judgment, but I’d probably go out with him.”
    “Why don’t you call him?”
    Not bothering to answer, she opened the car door. “I’m going to spend the afternoon tailing our hospital CEO’s lovely wife. I’d like to put this case to bed.”
    Hunter’s cell phone rang. He chuckled as he recognized Mandy’s number. “Speaking of bed.”
    Predictably, Zoe got out and slammed the door. Hunter laughed. “Hey, beautiful lady.”
    Mandy’s sweet voice purred, “Just wanted to make sure you’re okay, you naughty boy.”
    “I made a clean getaway.”
    “Without your clothes?”
    “I’m a man of many talents.”
    “Don’t I know it,” Mandy replied.
    Hunter laughed again. “You’re very talented yourself. I’m thinking we need an encore performance. I’m free now.” The thoughts he’d had last night of breaking it off with Mandy didn’t seem so compelling today.
    “Sorry, young stud, but Charlie is due in from golf any minute. He doesn’t have another late-night meeting until next Wednesday.”
    “You can come to my place later. I’ll make my famous grilled-chicken salad and homemade Russian dressing.”
    “You do know how to tempt me.” Mandy gave a low chuckle. “But whatever would I tell my dear husband?”
    “What time does he turn in for the night?”
    “Usually around ten o’clock. What do you have in mind?”
    “Dessert with lots of whipped cream in my apartment at ten-thirty?”
    “How can a girl resist an offer like that? See you later.”
    Hunter slipped his phone back into his pocket, content to anticipate the coming attractions. He shifted his car into reverse and pulled out of the office drive. He imagined Zoe glaring out a window at him.
    He knew Zoe thought he just jumped from one bed to another to satisfy his own whims. The truth was he loved women, all of them. He’d

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