Two Short Stories and Three Very Short Stories

Two Short Stories and Three Very Short Stories by Madeleine Oh

Book: Two Short Stories and Three Very Short Stories by Madeleine Oh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Madeleine Oh
Tags: plus Three Very Short Ones
her arse. Surely he wasn’t fucking her there. She stiffened at the thought.
    “Relax, Annie,” Mark said, “loosen up.”
    Hard to do with a finger pushing into her arse. Then his finger withdrew. Before she had time to worry what happened next, his cock drove deep into her cunt with one wild thrust. Her shout muffled by Alan’s cock, she let herself go in a string of moans and yells.
    They pumped her in rhythm, one withdrawing as the other drove into her. She was constantly filled, lost in a morass of sensation and spiraling towards her own climax as they both moaned and grunted over her. Hands held her head and pinned her hips as two hard cocks pounded her to climax. Alan was pumping faster now, the rhythm broken as he jerked his hips into her face as he approached his climax. Mark drove deeper and faster with each thrust, and as her muffled cries echoed in her head, her own need built like a raging torrent. Mark moaned. He was close to coming. Alan groaned as he drove into her. Her body throbbed. Her jaw ached. Her heart raced as her blood pressure thrummed in her ears. Her knees shook. Her arms stiffened as she felt Alan come in her mouth with a groan. Seconds later, Mark’s grunts reached a crescendo and his final thrusts sent her over the edge. She screamed, tossing her head against Alan’s grip, arching her back and, with a wild shudder that racked her body, she soared into the heavens. Her mind and body roaring with passion, she shuddered and shook, their hands holding her upright as they gently let go. She collapsed onto the warm rug and the world went fuzzy and grey.
    Still shaking, she was lifted and carried. Lips met hers. A hand eased her damp hair off her face. She felt the bed under her back and arms around her, as the room faded and went grey.
    Mark lay beside her, inhaling the sweet scents of Annie and sex until her breathing changed and he knew she was asleep. Out for the count until morning. Smiling to himself, he eased off the bed without disturbing her and pulled the bedclothes up to her beautiful chin.
    Retrieving his trousers from the bathroom floor, he pulled them up and zipped as he crossed the landing and met Alan coming upstairs, a glass in each hand.
    “Thought you could use this,” Alan said.
    Gratefully Mark took the glass and raised it. “Thanks. Not just for a good Scotch but for your stellar participation.”
    “Enjoyed every minute of it.” Alan grinned. “Shall we sit down?”
    “In here. I want to watch her sleep.” Mark led him to the chintz-covered sofa under Annie’s bedroom window. It was perfect for two and gave him an uninterrupted view of Annie curled up under the duvet.
    “You’re smitten,” Alan said as Mark sipped his drink, savoring the taste of Annie’s good Scotch.
    “Why not? She’s wonderful.”
    “Can’t argue that one. Where did you find her?’
    “At Pip’s Christmas play.”
    Alan stared. “Veronica’s boy? She’s a parent?”
    “No. She teaches Latin, French and History.”
    Alan let out a slow breath. “Sheesh, what a waste for a bunch of spotty schoolboys.”
    Mark sipped his drink. The ice cubes clinked in the quiet. “I thought she’d take more persuading. Amazing really.”
    “She enjoyed every minute. A natural as they say.”
    “That’s my hope.” Mark looked across at the dark head on the pillow. “I plan on keeping her forever.”
    If you would like to read the full story of Annie and Mark’s love affair, you can by Power Exchange from Elloras Cave .
    And, if you’d like to read more stories about Annie, Mark and their kinky friends see the complete list at

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