
Unknown by Unknown

Book: Unknown by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
took it to heart, though. He didn't look too happy.'
    Oliver Spencer still didn't look too happy on Wednesday morning but Sophie managed to keep out of his way until lunchtime. She could hear him talking to Josh in the staffroom as she walked down the hallway.
    'Great legs! She's perfect for you, Oliver.'
    Sophie glanced down at the skirt she was wearing. She couldn't see much of her legs. She knew they weren't overly chunky and they did their part to contribute to her height of five feet five, but she would never have described them as great.
    'I suppose I should apologise,' Oliver responded to Josh. 'I was a bit rude yesterday.'
    'That would be a good start.' Josh was nodding approvingly as Sophie entered the room. Oliver got to his feet hurriedly.
    'I've got a house call to make,' he excused himself. 'See you later.'
    'What's Oliver making a good start on?' Sophie asked curiously. 'He didn't look very enthusiastic.'
    'He will.' Josh grinned. 'I'm just giving him a push in Christine Prescott's direction. Might stop him pining over you.'
    Sophie was saved having to think up a suitable response by Toni's abrupt entrance.
    'Deborah McQueen just rang, Josh.'
    'Oh, no!' Josh made a pained face. 'I knew there was something about today I'd forgotten to tell you.' He looked at his watch and groaned. 'Was she furious?'
    'I explained that you had an unavoidable emergency and would be with her as soon as possible,' Toni said primly. 'I also suggested that it was merely one of the downsides of a relationship with a doctor and that even important lunch dates had to take second place to patients.' Toni was almost smiling. 'I suggested she had another cappuccino while she waited.'
    'You're a life-saver, Swampy. I'll be back in an hour.' Josh was already halfway through the door again. 'I owe you one.'
    'You owe me a hell of a lot more than one,' Toni responded wryly.
    'Who's Deborah McQueen?' Sophie enquired as she followed Toni back to the front desk.
    'Oh, just the feminine flavour of the month,' Toni told her casually. 'She won't last. In fact, if she's half as rude to him about being kept waiting for lunch as she was to me, I'd say we probably won't hear from her again.'
    'Where does he find them all?' Sophie wondered aloud.
    'They find him,' Toni muttered darkly. 'And some of them don't want to disappear. He has a sort of fly paper sexual attraction.'
    'He is pretty attractive,' Sophie conceded.
    'You don't mean...?' Toni looked vaguely alarmed.
    'Heavens, no!' Sophie laughed. 'He's not my type at all. Besides...' Sophie was unable to finish her sentence. She couldn't voice another blatant lie about being a happily engaged woman. She cleared her throat. 'Oliver seems a bit more restrained in that direction.'
    Toni nodded, her face relaxing. 'There's been the occasional woman over the last few years but nothing serious. I think his divorce put him off.'
    'Did you know his wife?'
    'No, the marriage was over well before he came to St David's. From what I've gathered, it didn't last very long anyway. Short and not sweet. Oliver's never said much but Josh once held him up as a shining example of what damage marrying the wrong person could do. A situation our Josh would never contemplate risking.' Toni shook her head a little wearily but then smiled at Sophie. 'I got some sandwiches for you when I popped down to the bank. Have you got time before you head off for your tutorial at the hospital?'
    Sophie glanced at the wall clock, repressing her curiosity to know why Oliver's marriage had been such a disaster. How could any woman not be happy, being married to Oliver and having his undivided attention? Maybe the attention hadn't been undivided. Sophie collected her errant thoughts quickly. 'I've got half an hour. I'll come and get the sandwiches when I've sorted out what I need to take. Thanks, Toni:— you really look after us all. Are you having lunch?'
    'Sure am. It's finally calmed down around here and no one's due for another hour. We'll

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