Vending Machine Lunch
unstable than it has
ever been."
    "Tell me
something new Speaker Jordan," said Jared, "This land is already
going down the pan politically, but that is not my problem. My
problem, is that some nut job may just blow up some flood defences
and kill a hell of a lot of people. And it's probably thanks to our
damn leader and you guys that this 'J' guy is doing this."
    "Listen to me,"
argued Jessica, "Evacuating people would be this land's suicide.
People will no longer respect the leader as the most powerful
person in the land, not that they did much in the first place. What
people will see is that anyone can make a difference, and take it
even more into their own hands. Evacuating people will ensure the
safety of people, but inspire them that anyone can make a
difference. The public protests and riots will simply escalate.
More people will end up getting hurt in the long run, and any
chance to solve this land's current crisis will be annihilated. The
public will eventually be reduced to cannibals. Hope will be lost
which is the only thing the public have at the moment. I urge you,
to instead, pump your resources into keeping this quiet and
actually preventing the explosives from blowing, which I'm
assuming, are on the Ares Defences somewhere."
    Jared started
at Jessica for a while. You could see that cogs were whirring in
his head.
    "You know
what," he began, after a moment, "It's rather odd seeing a Speaker
actually acknowledge that this land has a greater problem and that
the public are unhappy," he turned to Jordan, "You should listen to
her more you know. And I can also see why you are both working
together with this for once."
    He breathed
heavily, deep in thought.
    "You know what.
Okay then," he said," But on your head be it. If the flame hits the
dynamite, I'm going to point my finger at you guys. If you guys
think you can hush this all up, then I wish you the best of luck.
Jake," he turned to the last Enforcer in the room who had yet to
speak, "Get a disposal unit ready and sweep the entire defence
area. I want every microbe on the structure inspected. You
    "And you do not
stop. And I want updated every one, understand?"
    Jake nodded and
left the room. Jared glanced at the clock. Another eight until
    "I hope you're
right," Jared glared at Jessica, "And you'd best be too. Enforcer
Jonathan, I'd like you to go an interrogate our power hungry
    "Yes chief
Enforcer Jared," said Jonathan, he made for the door.
    "We'll come
with you," said Jordan, "I want to make that nutter squirm."
    Jonathan paused
and glanced at Jared. Jared gave the nod of approval.
    "Come on then,
I'll show you to his holding cell," muttered Jonathan.
    They marched
out of the office, and down several small corridors. Jessica was
struck on how much a small affair this vastly important building
was. She'd expected it to somehow contain more than what it
advertised on the outside, maybe several underground floors or
something similar. But Highfields, the main artery of the Enforcer
unit, really was just like any other Enforcer station. A few
offices, a few holding cells. She had somehow expected more of such
a highly spoken of building.
    The corridor
twisted left and they were suddenly faced with a small hall of four
holding cells. The large bunker-like doors of the cells gave a
nuclear-war-zone-fallout feel to the place, and the air was
suddenly cold again, as the heaters of the offices had reached
their limit.
    Jonathan pulled
out a ring of clunky metal keys and stopped in front of a cell
door. Jessica noticed it had the number '99' etched onto the top of
the door, just above the small window.
    "You have
five," said Jonathan, turning around to face Jordan and
    "I think you'll
find that we have eight," said Jordan, smiling slightly.
snorted with slight amusement, "Good luck."
    He shoved a key
through the lock and twisted. The lock clunked and squeaked. The
door creaked open. Jonathan swung the door

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