Worthy of Riches

Worthy of Riches by Bonnie Leon

Book: Worthy of Riches by Bonnie Leon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Leon
mind of his own; whether to hate or to love is up to us.”
    “True, but I believe folks will find a way to get along.” Will's eyes roamed over the people gathered. “Anyway, looks like most are stickin' to their own friends.” He handed the basket to Jean, then lifted Susie out of the pickup and set her on the ground.
    The little girl spotted her sister. “Laurel,” she called and ran for her, arms outstretched.
    Jean draped two blankets over her arm and headed for Laurel. “She sure misses you.”
    “I miss her,” Laurel said, gathering Susie up in her arms.
    Will grabbed his pole. Gazing at the dark ceiling of clouds, he said, “Looks like rain.” A mosquito landed on his arm and drilled. He slapped it. Another settled on his other arm, and one buzzed his head. “Maybe if we stay close to the fire the mosquitoes will stay away.”
    “I doubt it. They're determined.” Jean walked back to the truck and took netted hats out of the back. She handed one to Will. “Seems the children are oblivious to the pests,” she said, planting a hat on her head and pulling the netting over her face. Will swatted another bloodsucker. Jean raised an eyebrow. “You might have less trouble if you put on your hat and coat.”
    “I don't like wearing them,” he said, putting on his hat, then grabbing his coat out of the truck and shrugging into it.
    Laurel scratched a welt on her cheek. “We saved a place down by the lake.” With Susie still in her arms, she moved toward their picnic spot.
    Watching Laurel with Susie, Will said, “The kids have grown so fast. Susie's not much of a baby any more. Before we know it, she'll be grown and married too. And then it'll be just the two of us.”
    Jean leaned against her husband. “We've got a while yet. Brian's only eight, and Susie's not even three.”
    Taking Jean's hand, Will followed Laurel. Adam walked up from the lake and met them.
    Jean gave him a quick hug. “I've been meaning to come by. I've just had so much to do, what with Will still trying to catch up after being off work so long.”
    “How's that hand?” Adam asked.
    Will reached out his arm, straightened his fingers, and then bent them, the stub of a finger moving along with the rest. He repeated themovement a couple of times. “Feels pretty good. Nearly good as new, minus a finger. It takes a little getting used to. And my fingers are still kind of stiff. The hand is weak, but the doc says it won't take long to get back the strength.” He flexed the hand again, then let his arm fall to his side. “I'd say I've got a lot to be grateful for. And it sure feels good to be working again.”
    “Yeah, I'll bet. I didn't know farming was so much work,” Adam said, patting Will's back. “I've got my hands full at our place.”
    “Thank you for all the help. I'm real sorry I had to take you away from your chores.”
    “I was glad to do it.”
    “If you need any help or have any questions, just holler.”
    “I will, and probably sooner than you think.” Adam leaned against a tree. “Did you hear about the calves killed at the Prosser place?”
    Jean had started to sit but stopped. “The Prossers? No. What happened?”
    “Looks like that same grizzly. Killed three calves and mauled his bull so badly they had to put him down. From the looks of it, though, the bull got the bear pretty good. His horns were bloodied.”
    Jean's face had gone pale. “Everyone's all right?”
    “Yeah.” Adam shook his head. “But now we've got an injured grizzly roaming about. Hope he stays away from our place.”
    “Sounds like a bad bear,” Will said.
    “Townsend's putting together a hunting party. He said it shouldn't be too hard to track him.”
    “I'd like to go along. 'Specially since it was probably the same animal that made a call at our place.”
    “You can't be sure, Will. It might be a different bear,” Jean said. “Let Ray Townsend take care of it.”
    Will settled serious eyes on Jean. “God placed me as

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