Zombie Queen of Newbury High

Zombie Queen of Newbury High by Amanda Ashby

Book: Zombie Queen of Newbury High by Amanda Ashby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Ashby
reversible, and by lunchtime on Thursday it will become fully active.”
    “Ugh, okay, that’s enough.” Mia held up her hands. “Look, I know I humored you yesterday, but that was because I was preoccupied about Rob. The thing is, you can’t keep talking about zombies as if they’re real. I mean, seriously, how can you expect me to believe that every single student—”
    “And teacher,” Chase interjected.
    “Fine. That every single student and teacher who was at the senior assembly will turn into a zombie come twelve o’clock Thursday. It’s ridiculous.”
    “Look.” He took a controlled breath and seemed to clench his jaw. “I know this is a lot to take in and I know you don’t want to believe me, but it’s true. Would it help if I gave you some proof?”
    “What, like eating my brains or something? No thanks,” she retorted before frowning. “And anyway, you were at the senior assembly. I saw you standing at the back rolling your eyes while Rob gave his speech for being football player of the year, which by the way, was very rude of you.”
    Chase didn’t look remotely apologetic as he shrugged. “Yes, you’re right, I was there.”
    “So, if I really did turn everyone into zombies, then why aren’t you trying to eat me?” she demanded as Chase ran a frustrated hand through his short hair. Ha! Try and answer that, crazy boy.
    “I explained how the virus works. Right now everyone is only in stage two. They don’t start eating flesh until they hit stage four. As for me, I’m immune to the virus in any form.”
    “Oh, well, isn’t that handy,” she replied.
    “Actually.” He tightened his jaw and Mia blinked in surprise. If she didn’t know better, she would almost say that he was mad. “ ‘Convenient’ is the last thing I would call it. I’ve got a mutant gene, which we think came down through my mom’s side. It means that while I can still be killed by a zombie, I can’t be infected with the virus, no matter how it is transmitted, nor can I carry it. Unfortunately, less than one percent of the population has the gene and scientists haven’t worked out a way to transfer it to anyone else yet.”
    “And me? Am I going to turn into a zombie?”
    “No.” Chase shook his head. “You were the one who did the incantation, which makes you immune, too.”
    “Fine, so I turned everyone into zombies except for you and me, which means you can’t prove it. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to class.”
    “Mia.” He gently grabbed her arm just as she headed for the door and pointed to the laptop. “If you want proof, come and take a look at this. It’s an outbreak that we contained last month.”
    Mia stared at the screen and let out a long groan. “Chase, this isn’t proof. It’s a YouTube clip.”
    “That’s right. Some idiot filmed us while we were trying to fight. We keep shutting these things down, but someone keeps posting them again. Still, at least I can show you what a zombie looks like.”
    “You don’t expect me to believe that this video is— gross , what is that girl doing?”
    He leaned in closer to the screen and Mia tried to ignore the way his shoulder brushed hers. For a psycho, he sure smelled nice. “That’s what happens when the virus reaches stage four and the person becomes a zombie. The heart is effectively killed and the body is controlled by muscle spasms, which is what makes them walk funny.”
    “I’m not talking about the walk. It looks like blondie there is eating someone’s arm.” Mia pulled a face. Whoever had made this thing was a total sicko but brilliant with special effects.
    “Yes, that’s what zombies tend to do. Eat flesh. Though not brains. That’s just an urban myth.” He waited until the video had finished before playing another one. This one was equally bad, and Mia felt her eyes widen as she watched a group of ten so-called zombies attack some salesclerks at a mall. Those guys could really scream. And they sure must’ve

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