04 Shadow Blood - Witch Fairy

04 Shadow Blood - Witch Fairy by Bonnie Lamer Page B

Book: 04 Shadow Blood - Witch Fairy by Bonnie Lamer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Lamer
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best to hug me.  “I knew you’d come,” he says gasping between his tears.
    “Always.”  I wrap my arms around him, trying not to let my arms go through him this time.  At this moment, I never want to let him out of my sight again.  Turning to the lightness, I say quietly, “I thought you said the larger spirit was here.  Is she near?”  Don’t get me wrong, there aren’t words to describe how thankful I am to have found Zac.  I’m just a little confused.  Where’s Aunt Barb?
    “Do you want to go to the other spirit now?” it asks me.
    Okay, I don’t care if she gets big and little confused.  I want to get out of here as soon as possible.  “Yes.” I tell her.  Adriel has a strange expression on her face, but she starts walking next to me and Zac as we go in search of my aunt.  She looks deep in thought as we move farther into the labyrinth, but I’m too happy to ask her what she’s thinking about.
    Another five minutes later, we round a corner and there she is.  Aunt Barb is safe and sound as well, just pacing back and forth.  When she sees us, she rushes over and encapsulates me and Zac in a spirit bear hug.  “Oh, Xandra, I’m so glad you came for us!  And you have Zac.  I tried so hard to find him, but I couldn’t figure out the maze.  It seemed like every turn I took led me in a giant circle.”
    “It’s okay.  Apparently, the labyrinth does that if you don’t know the way out.”  I gently move myself out of her extremely cold grasp.  My body temperature has dropped about twenty degrees in the last minute.  “We have to get out of here, though.  We’re not safe yet.”
    “How did you come to be in this realm?” Adriel asks Aunt Barb.
    I roll my eyes.  “Can we please talk about that after we get out of here?”
    She looks like she wants to say no.  What’s up with her all of a sudden?  After what seems like forever and a minute, she nods once.  Turning in a circle, which I assume she’s doing to make sure there’s no darkness that will follow us, she eventually stands still and opens a gateway.  That same white door from before looms in front of us.  But it doesn’t have words on this side, though ‘sucks to be you’ might be an appropriate addition to the solid white.  Adriel swings it open.  And there’s Kallen, pacing back and forth like a caged animal.  But, I don’t think he can see me yet.
    I start to walk through the gateway, but Adriel touches my arm and I stop.  “I cannot follow you back to the Fairy realm.  Once I leave this realm, my form will be blinding to all but you.”
    Crap, I forgot about that.  “Thank you, Adriel.  I know you were freaked out about this whole thing, but I really appreciate you helping me find my family.”
    She nods once.  “I am also glad the journey went well.”  She still has a weird expression on her face.  But, I’m too happy to care.  I turn to go but she grabs my arm again.  “If you find yourself in need of assistance that only I can offer, please don’t hesitate to call me.  Your wings will teach you how.”  How sweet.  Maybe I’ve made another Angel friend.
    “Thanks, I will.”  Turning to the lightness that has helped us so much, I touch the wall where it is.  “And thank you.  We might not have saved them if it wasn’t for you.”
    “You are welcome,” it says and a shudder passes through me as it lets me feel its goodness.  Another pang of guilt touches my heart at the thought of the lightness staying here for eternity.
    Turning, I step through the gateway and Adriel shuts it firmly behind me.

    Chapter 6
    The relief on Kallen’s face as we walk through the gateway is tangible.  He immediately wraps his arms around me and pulls me to him, even though Zac’s spirit is still clinging to me.  After a quick hug, Kallen stands back and takes my face between his hands. 

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