Missing Lily (Tales of Dalthia)

Missing Lily (Tales of Dalthia) by Annette K. Larsen

Book: Missing Lily (Tales of Dalthia) by Annette K. Larsen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annette K. Larsen
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from years of being tutored in astronomy.  
    “Which is your favorite?” he asked after I had prattled on for half an hour.
    “Pegasus,” I answered without pause.
    “Why him?”
    “He was born from violence, but when the right person came along, he was tamed and became eager to serve. His loyalty eventually allowed him to stay on Mount Olympus and serve the gods there.”
    “What did he do there?”
    “He assisted in the rising of the sun and gathered lightning for Zeus.”
    “He’s your favorite because he’s selfless.”
    I smiled into the night, warmed by the understanding that Rhys offered. “He was a giver. It was in his nature. In fact, it’s said that he stamped his hoof and a spring welled up. That spring was cherished by the muses because it gifted inspiration.”
    “I’ve never heard it told that way.” His voice was musing.
    I shrugged. “Stories mean something different to everyone who hears them.”
    We spent the next hour admiring the heavens and talking quietly. Lying there on a cushion of blankets and soft grass, I sank into the contentment of Rhys’s radiant personality, amazed at the lightness I felt deep within my soul. Sharing this kind of closeness with anyone outside my family was entirely new. I liked this feeling, perhaps more than I should.  
    I was reluctant when it came time to leave, but a chill crept into the air and Rhys stood, holding out a hand for me. He pulled me to my feet and I stood close to him, so close it made my breath catch as he studied my face a moment before stepping back. He offered his arm and I tried to compose myself as the servants gathered the blankets and relit the lanterns for our return to the house.
    I knew that I would always remember this night. When I could no longer be Lily and had to leave Rhys behind, this would be a cherished memory.
    I slept well and was anxious to get out of bed. I managed to find a comfortable day dress amidst the contents of Lady Fallon’s trunk, which had been hung in my wardrobe, and slipped into it before making my way downstairs. I was shy as I entered the breakfast room, remembering how much I had enjoyed my time with Rhys and wondering if I were only fooling myself. My anxiety was instantly eased by Rhys’s genuine smile and enthusiastic, “Good morning.” He stood when I entered and held my hand as I sank into the chair next to his. “You look lovely,” he said in a matter-of-fact tone.
    “Thank you,” I replied, resisting the urge to duck my head in embarrassment. His manner put me in mind of more than friendship, and I had to temper my reaction.
    “You’re not going to comment on the fine cut of my jacket?” he asked, tugging on his waistcoat.
    I laughed at his making fun of himself, but reassured him anyway. “You look very well, Lord Fallon. The finest I’ve seen you yet.”
    He snorted and schooled his features before saying seriously, “I had a thought.”
    “Just one?” I couldn’t resist.
    He pursed his lips, suppressing a smile while I tried to look innocent.
    He cleared his throat with force. “I’ve been known to have more than one on occasion. But for the purpose of this conversation, there was only one pertinent thought.”
    “Oh...” I feigned sudden enlightenment. “Go on.”
    “My thought was that you might want to get out of the house.”
    “A good thought indeed, and entirely accurate.”
    He narrowed his eyes in response to my cheeky comment, but continued as though I hadn’t interrupted. “And so, I propose a picnic for lunch.”
    “Really?” I asked, genuinely surprised. “Is it dry enough for that?”
    “It should be where I’m planning on taking you.”
    “And where is that?”
    “You’ll see.”
    “A surprise, is it?”
    “No. I’m just not going to tell you.”
    I bit my tongue, realizing that if I was going to give him cheek, he would give it right back. It made me smile.
    “Will you at least tell me what time we are leaving so that I might be

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