[05] Elite: Reclamation
closer to achieving our goal?’ Vargo spared him a disinterested glance. ‘No. This is the time to strike, and strike hard. We need to push our advantage, not fall back.’
    The murmurs now took on a tone of uneasiness; muted discussions sprang up as the two Reclamists studied each other.
    ‘And what do you suggest?’ Mitchell folded his arms and leant back a touch.
    ‘The Loren’s are vulnerable. The slaves are ready to revolt at a moment’s notice. The buyers are nervous. There is dissension in the military at being posted to this distant system with insufficient resources. The Senator’s madness grows, even the Imperials acknowledge this, many would rather return to the Empire.’
    ‘So?’ Mitchell demanded.
    Vargo rolled his eyes in an exaggerated fashion. ‘We give the Imperial ‘stards all the encouragement they need. Let them all burn.’
    ‘We’re already over extended. Pushing further when our supplies our low …’
    ‘The Imperials have far worse problems than we do. The next shipment of Federation weaponry is due from Octavia in just a few days. We’ll have the advantage. You’d throw that away?’
    Mitchell bristled. ‘Careful Vargo …’
    ‘Still debating the next move?’ A third voice interrupted the debate and its owner stepped forward into the light. All eyes turned to regard the cowled figure. The voice was clipped and sharp, with a mechanical undertone, as if muffled by some technology.
    ‘Ah, Solanac,’ Vargo said, turning to face the newcomer and then winking at Mitchell. ‘Glad you could make it. Your advice would be much appreciated. Mitchell here thinks we’ve done enough and should creep away for fear of discovery. I say we press our advantage while the Imperials cower in their refuge. You?’
    ‘I suggest you all consider your next move very carefully indeed,’ Solanac replied with a trace of mirth.
    Mitchell scoffed and turned aside. Vargo acknowledged his frustration. ‘Yes, I was counting on a little more than that ...’
    ‘We must stake our claim,’ Solanac said. ‘We cannot wait for the Federation.’
    ‘The Federation has and will continue to help us …’ Mitchell began.
    ‘The Federation desires only that the Empire is frustrated,’ Solanac interrupted. ‘They never defended this system when they had the choice, what makes you think they will in the future? Tantalum is what they all want. Everything else is irrelevant.’
    ‘Listen to him,’ Vargo said, with a nod of approval.
    ‘The Federation and the Imperials have no real interest in our world, they want only a reliable supply of Tantalum. The Federation is currently denied this, the Imperials fear it will be disrupted by the Senator’s behaviour. If another government was formed that could broker a deal …’
    ‘Deal with the Imperials and the Federation?’ Mitchell said in surprise, unfolding his arms and placing his hands on his hips.
    ‘Run the mines for both powers, ensure the trade is equitable. We mine, they protect the access,’ Vargo said, with a grin.
    ‘You think the Imperials will go for it?’ Mitchell looked sceptical.
    ‘Reliable supply coupled with no longer having to defend this system, so far from their worlds?’ Solanac asked. ‘Peaceful co-operation with the Federation rather than this endless terrorism? Their cost savings would be dramatic. They know the Federation is funding us and backing the pirates. With that obstacle removed all parties would benefit. It is only the Lorens’ effective dictatorship and the position of the Senator that prevents it.’
    ‘And how would we pull off this amazing coup?’ Mitchell demanded. ‘You’ve just said the Federation will not help us directly.’
    Vargo turned to Solanac. ‘I assume you have some new information?’
    Solanac nodded. ‘The Senator’s eldest daughter, Corine Loren, is due to be married in a few short weeks. The Loren family will all be in the Imperial Palace, on full display. Security will be tight, but not

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