100 Days of Right Believing: Daily Readings from The Power of Right Believing

100 Days of Right Believing: Daily Readings from The Power of Right Believing by Joseph Prince Page A

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Authors: Joseph Prince
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did Jesus cry out, “IT IS FINISHED!” moments before breathing His last breath (see John 19:30). Can you see that? Jesus held on at the cross untilevery single sin that you have ever committed and will ever commit was punished in His own body. That is why we call what Jesus has accomplished at the cross a “finished work.”
    Now, what is your part today? Your part is to believe with your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of your life and that all your sins have been paid for at the cross. If you believe that all your sins have been forgiven, sin will have no more power over you. You don’t have to walk around with “a mountain of sin” on your shoulders anymore because this “mountain of sin” was laid squarely on the shoulders of another—Jesus. He Himself has already paid the price for your sins, so stop condemning yourself!

Today’s Thought
    Because Jesus Himself has already paid the price for my sins, I can stop condemning myself.

Today’s Prayer
    Lord Jesus, because You love me, You went to the cross and suffered for me. Thank You for taking the weight of all my sins and bearing the punishment for every last sin until You completely exhausted God’s wrath against my sins. I believe that because of Your finished work, I stand completely forgiven, with every sin paid for and with the right to live free from condemnation today. As I look to You to help me live by this truth every day, I believe that sin will no longer have dominion over me. Thank You for Your amazing grace, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Only Believe

    Today’s Scripture
    “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”
    J OHN 3:14–15
    D o you know why Jesus chose the cross? He went to the cross so that whoever believes in Him can receive the gift of eternal life.
. That is all you need to do to step into the inheritance that was purchased for you with the blood of the Son of God. Believe in HIM. Believe in Jesus. Believe in what He has done for you at the cross. Believe that all your sins have been imputed to Him and all His righteousness has been imputed to you (see 2 Cor. 5:21). Believe in the divine exchange. Believe in His love. Believe that all your sins have been punished at the cross and that through Jesus you have received the gifts of righteousness and eternal life.
    Look at John 3:15 again. Tell me, who qualifies for salvation? The Word of God doesn’t say, “Whoever obeys Him perfectly and keeps all His commandments.” It doesn’t say, “Whoever never fails again.” It simply says, “Whoever
in Him.” Whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. The only action needed on your part is to believe!
    Pastor Prince, how can simply believing in Jesus make me righteous? There must be something more that I must do to earn and deserve God’s love for me.
    Don’t write it off just because it sounds simple, and don’t underestimate the power of right believing. When you believe right—when you believe that you are made righteous through Jesus—you will end up producing the fruits of righteousness. The apostle Paul refers to “the fruits of righteousness” in Philippians 1:11, and he specifies that they are “by Jesus Christ.” When you set your eyes on Jesus and Jesus alone as the source of your righteousness and forgiveness, you will end up producing the fruits of righteousness, holiness, and moral character.
    Indeed, the Bible tells us it is when we don’t see or have forgotten that we have been cleansed from our old sins that we end up lacking in self-control,godliness, and brotherly love (see 2 Pet. 1:5–9). Can you see how when you believe right, you will end up living right? So make Jesus, His forgiveness, and His love the center of every part of your life!

Today’s Thought
    When I make Jesus, His forgiveness, and His love the

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