Burn For Him

Burn For Him by Kristan Belle

Book: Burn For Him by Kristan Belle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristan Belle
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had never looked at me that way before and I wasn’t sure what to make of it.
    “Come on, Harper. Get yourself together. You’ve seen a pair of legs and a great pair of tits before.” Destiny hooted with laughter as she pushed him out of the door ahead of us. I followed the pair of them out of the apartment, grabbing my old leather jacket on the way. The look in Harper’s eyes had amused me, but there was no way that I was going to be stepping out of the door like that. The jacket wouldn’t do much to help cover up, but at least it would make me feel a little more decent.
    We pulled up a little way down the street from the club. We’d decided to get a taxi, because although Dee had promised she was going to behave herself and not get rip-roaring-drunk, I never voluntarily got in a car with the girl. She was a menace to the roads. Road rage? You haven’t heard anything until you’ve heard Destiny screaming at other drivers, who in all fairness, weren’t usually the ones in the wrong.
    We walked the short way back up the street and joined the back of the queue that was snaking along the building. Give it a few more months and the custom in this place would get a little steadier and the queues would eventually get more manageable, but for now, with it being the hot new place to party, the amount of people still waiting to get in was ridiculous. I honestly didn’t relish waiting out in the cold for too long and was glad that I had the sense to bring a jacket with me. The night had a chill in the air and my bare legs were starting to feel like ice cubes.
    Remember the days when you used to go out without a coat, come rain or shine, rain or snow? The joys of being a teenager who got so steaming drunk that you never got affected by the weather. We didn’t let a little thing like ice get in the way of our partying. Now that I was getting older, I thought about these things more and more. It was quite depressing really, but at least I was warm.
    Milligan’s didn’t look like anything too special from the outside. It was just your standard old warehouse that had been turned into a banging nightclub with only a single blue neon sign outside to tell you that you were in the right place. You could just about faintly hear the rapid bass every single time the main doors of the club opened up. The crowd outside were buzzing with anticipation and the fever was catching. It wasn’t only the cold that was making me eager to get inside those doors.
    “I’m not waiting here any longer.” Destiny said suddenly and stormed away from us before I could utter a single word. I wondered what on earth she was doing, but with Dee, it could have been anything. She was unpredictable at the best of times.
    Within a couple of minutes she was back and grinning at us as brightly as a Christmas tree. “Come on! We’re in!” She grabbed both our hands and dragged us off to the front of the line, me hobbling in the stupid heels she’d put me in. A lot of the others that were standing outside waiting impatiently huffed and puffed and threatened to blow our houses down, but Dee held her head up high and ignored them all.
    She dragged us over to the doormen who were guarding the entrance. They gave us all a good once over, frowning slightly when they saw Harper with us, but nodded and pulled the rope to one side to let us in. Destiny grinned as we turned to walk through the main doors, eager to start her night out.
    “Wait here a minute.” Harper said as he went over to pay the entry fee.
    “This place looks amaaaaaaazing!” Dee said as she spun about in a small circle, taking in all of the black, white and silver décor. It did look rather swank and trendy in here and it put some of the other clubs in the city to shame. And, that was even before we got into the club itself. It was clear that someone had spent a fortune kitting this place out.
    Harper came back over and the three of us walked up the flight of stairs to the main floor. As

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