    "Why would you say it like
    "Because Addie, he has a
girlfriend!" She said with another snarky bite. “At least that's
what I heard.”
    "You've got to be kidding
    By the end of the week Nic
caught a rumor to verify Storm was dating a girl named Shelby. I
wasn't speaking to him; of course, I was giving him 'the cold
shoulder' in history class all week. He had to know why and if he
didn't, I didn't really care. He was making no effort to find out
why either; except for consistently poking me with his pen which
just irritated me more. Whatever, I thought, let him stay
    Nic told me she found out
all the details on Storm from Declan, who said he’d been dating
since this summer. I would've asked Declan myself but he hadn't
been on the bus yet.
    Declan was a friend of mine.
We’ve been riding the bus together since seventh grade so this will
be our third year together. He's a nice guy and we have no interest
in each other except for being friends, we can talk about anything.
He was my height, had brown curly hair, slim, a good build,
muscular, not overly either like a steroid junky or anything... He
always knew all the gossip on everyone, the unfortunate thing was I
didn't know half the people he was talking about before, but this
year would be different since we're in the same school
    Friday, on the way to class
I decided I loved my Art class because I loved listening to the
radio and drawing, it’s a great class to start the day. Another
reason to love Art, are the two hot guys sitting in front of our
class, seniors Topher and Cale – a very nice view.
    While we were in class today
a news report came on the radio, Topher the hot guy who sat up
front turned it up so everyone could hear. Our class is the first
to hear news updates, another plus.
    The newscaster
stated: “Jewel Ann Richardson of Summit
County died two weeks ago, August 18 th . Which
at the time, the Police thought was an accident. They are now
stating that they believe foul play is at hand. They believe she
was killed in another location and that her body was dumped at
Township Park. If anyone saw her on the day in question please
contact the Richfield Police Department at 555-1266 ext. 47 or ask
for Detective Grey the lead investigator.”
    I flinched and my throat
tightened, panic set in. I flashed back to the girl in the white
dress I had been seeing in my dreams, then to the girl in the
casket. I squeezed my eyes shut and recalled being trapped
under his body with all his weight on me, his tongue on my face,
ugh, I couldn't breathe. I felt Nic tugging on my
shirt saying something. I focused and I heard "Breathe Addie,
breathe, are you all right, do you need to go to the nurse?" I held
my eyes with hers and handed her my note from the front pocket of
my jeans, my hand was trembling as she reached for the folded up
piece of paper. She looked down at it flip flopped it in her hand
and then looked back up at me. "Did you have the same dream again?
Do I have to read it?" I tried hard to swallow and speak but
instead I just nodded. 
    When Nic was done reading it
she asked, “When was the first time you had this dream?”
    I inhaled deeply, trying to
relax. “This summer?”
    “How many times have you had
this dream?”
    I shrugged my shoulders, “A
    “Should we call the
    I shrugged my shoulders
again, “And say what, that I have these dreams and I write them
down and you sign and date them so we know they're real? And I know
where Jewel was killed, sort of, because I saw it in my dream...” I
cleared my throat as my voice wasn't steady.
    “Oh yeah, that does sound
kind of weird, huh. What if we tell them we were friends of hers
and see if they found her bracelet because she always had it
    “Don't you think they would
find out we were never friends with her?”
    “What if we, I mean you,
drew a picture of where she was killed and wrote a few notes down
and mailed it to them

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