31 Days of Autumn

31 Days of Autumn by C.J. Fallowfield Page A

Book: 31 Days of Autumn by C.J. Fallowfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.J. Fallowfield
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ring and the invoice
before I leave today, I’ll arrange an immediate transfer, including some extra
for any loss of interest you’ve incurred.’
    ‘Not necessary at all, Sir,’ he replied with a
shake of his head.
    ‘No arguments, my word is final. I truly
appreciate the gesture, Stuart, thank you.’
    ‘I have Parkers on standby with a
congratulations bouquet, balloon, and pink teddy bear. The moment you let me
know Miss Davenport has arrived safely, I’ll instruct delivery.’
    ‘Have I told you lately how much I value you?’
I smiled. I’d be so lost without him to organise my affairs.
    ‘It’s been a while, Sir,’ he smiled in response.
    ‘Then you’d better schedule a weekly reminder
for me,’ I winked, making him laugh.
    ‘How is the project coming along?’
    ‘Very good,’ I nodded. ‘I’ve pretty much
completed the software side of it, now we’re just working on the delivery
system. I should have a prototype ready within six months, which I’ll want to
test myself before we try a backup.’
    ‘I really don’t think Mrs. Davenport will be
pleased if she hears your plans for that,’ Stuart grimaced.
    ‘Maybe not, but the benefits could far outweigh
any irritation at being kept out of the loop.’ I rolled my shoulders, quickly
easing out the sudden tension in my muscles. If Ellie found out about this
project and what I had planned, she’d likely divorce me for not consulting her,
but it was too important to risk an argument and her putting her foot down.
Sometimes decisions needed to be made in a marriage without consulting the
other party.
    ‘I agree, but I wouldn’t like to be in your
shoes when she finds out. Will you ever tell her?’
    ‘Honestly, at this stage I’m thinking no. She’s
better off not knowing, but I don’t like keeping things from her. It got me
into a lot of hot water last time and nearly led to us never getting together.’
    ‘I don’t envy you, Sir. I’m not sure what I’d
do in your position either. I have no other business for you. What did you need
from me?’
    I ran through my substantial list, grateful to
have Stuart to distract me from worrying about Ellie.

    I gathered Oliver up in my arms and gave him a
big cuddle and kiss, then did the same to Jonas. I was shattered. I’d hardly
slept all night worrying about Brooke and I’d kept poor Dan awake too with my
tossing and turning. It was bad enough having a sleepless night normally, but
with my huge baby bump, I just couldn’t get comfortable at all. He’d been
reluctant to leave me to go to the office this morning, but I reminded him that
if I had any problems, there wasn’t anything he could do that my best friends
couldn’t. Knowing he wasn’t too far away was reassuring though.
    ‘I hope it goes ok,’ whispered Jenny as we had
a hug in Oliver’s bedroom, where they were all playing. I’d confided in her
when I’d asked her to look after the boys last night.
    ‘Thank you. I’m not sure how I’m going to
handle it if it’s bad news.’
    ‘You will, you’re stronger than you give
yourself credit for, Ellie. Don’t worry about these two, I’ll keep them
occupied. Just let me know if you’ll be coming back for lunch, as we’re having
pizza and I’ll need to order more.’
    ‘Pizza? Yum yum,’ Oliver grinned with a clap of
his hands.
    ‘Yum yum,’ chortled Jonas, copying his big
brother and making me laugh.
    ‘Be good boys for Jenny, Mummy will be back
later, ok?’
    ‘I look after Jo-Jo,’ Oliver announced, giving
him a cuddle and a wet kiss on the forehead. I smiled. They loved each other so
much. I really hoped that another baby, a girl no less, would be received just
as well. I headed downstairs to find Brooke and Molly in the lounge.
    ‘Ok, let’s go,’ I announced, checking my watch.
We’d managed to get an emergency appointment with Brooke’s doctor for ten
o’clock. It was only nine now, but we needed to get across the city.
    ‘Why do we have to go

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