31 Days of Autumn

31 Days of Autumn by C.J. Fallowfield

Book: 31 Days of Autumn by C.J. Fallowfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.J. Fallowfield
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water to remove my
streaked mascara. I soon smiled when he led me by the hand back into the open-plan
lounge kitchen and diner. Everyone was around the table, Jonas in his high
chair banging his spoon on his tray.
    ‘Mama,’ he cried, giving me a wide smile.
    ‘Hello, gorgeous,’ I smiled, kissing the top of
his head. Brooke frowned at me as she caught my eye. She always knew when I’d
been crying.
    ‘Ok?’ she mouthed.
    ‘I’m fine,’ I lied, swallowing hard to stop
myself from crying again. Molly was right, she had lost weight and looked paler
than normal. How had I not seen that until now?

Day Four
    Tuesday 8 th October

    ‘Stuart,’ I called, holding down the intercom
button. ‘Can I see you in my office as soon as possible?’
    ‘Of course, Sir. On my way.’
    I leaned back in my chair and covered my eyes,
taking a deep breath to let out some of the tension I was feeling. I hadn’t
wanted to leave Ellie this morning, but she’d insisted there was nothing I
could do for her, or for Brooke. She was going to have Brooke, Molly, and James
with her when she went out. Her caesarean was scheduled for Thursday, two weeks
before her due date, so nothing was likely to happen. Until Brooke had a
referral letter from the doctor, there was nothing I could do there either. I
felt fucking useless at the moment. Usually burying myself in work helped take
my mind off my problems, but so far today it wasn’t working. I quickly pulled
myself together as I heard the buzzer go to indicate someone was at my door. I
checked the feed on my computer to see it was Stuart and let him in.
    ‘Thanks, Stuart.’ I managed a smile when he
handed over a mug of coffee. I hadn’t even asked for one, but he knew me well.
    ‘I’ve dealt with your correspondence this
morning, you just need to sign these letters. I’ve re-scheduled nearly all of
your meetings that were due to take place in October, to make sure that you have
no additional distractions when Mrs. Davenport has your daughter. I’m afraid
that this means you’ll have a rather full diary for November and December.’ He
gave me an apologetic smile as I sipped on my coffee.
    ‘No apology necessary, Stuart. Important as
work is, my family is my priority right now. Thank you for taking care of that
for me. Did you encounter any problems?’
    ‘No, Sir. Everyone was more than understanding,
knowing that you’re about to become a father again.’
    ‘But?’ I prodded. I’d known him too long, he
was shielding me from something. He went red, broke my gaze, and coughed.
‘Stuart, spit it out.’
    ‘There’s the small matter of Mrs. Davenport’s
eternity ring, Sir.’
    ‘I thought it had been delivered and was in the
vault downstairs?’
    ‘It is. I’m sorry to bring this up, but the
invoice from Havershams …’ his voice trailed off as he rubbed his hand over his
mouth. I bolted upright in my seat.
    ‘Shit, haven’t I paid for it?’
    ‘No, Sir. It was delivered while you were on holiday
celebrating your anniversary.’
    ‘How much do I owe them? It’s not like them to
deliver without payment.’
    ‘They delivered because I paid for it, Sir. I
wanted to make sure you had it ready the moment Mrs. Davenport gave birth.’
    ‘You paid for it? Stuart, from memory the
budget I set to have it designed wasn’t cheap. I pay you well, but not that
well.’ I frowned as I waited for his response. I’d asked Havershams to design a
channel-set diamond eternity ring with three emeralds interspersed, one to
represent each of our three children. I’d insisted on top grade diamonds and
emeralds with as near to flawless clarity as possible.
    ‘You were more than generous giving me shares
in the company after my five years of service, Sir. I’ve made a lot of money on
them, especially in the last few years, so it was just a matter of accessing my
    ‘You should have reminded me sooner, Stuart,
that’s going above and beyond. If you can bring me the

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