again. The discomfort was momentarily so intense she choked out
a pained mew.
    She heard Ander
breathing above her, and he held himself very still, his cock sheathed in her
body. “All right?”
    Lori nodded
mutely. The worst of the pain was already easing, but the discomfort remained.
She felt too full, too tight, too much.
    “Just tell me
when you’re ready.” His voice was a little hoarse, which was unusual enough to
cause her to look up at him. His expression was neutral, however. Just as
professional as ever.
    She lay for a
minute or two, breathing, shifting a little beneath him, and trying to adjust
to his size. Finally, she said, “Okay. I think I’m good. Thanks for being so
    Ander stared
down at her, his eyebrows drawing together slightly. “You can take as long as
you need.”
    Lori shook her
head, a few strands of hair sticking to her hot face. “I feel pretty decent.
You’re going to help me, aren’t you? Show me how to do this?”
    With a small
smile, he said, “Whatever you want.”
    He eased his
cock out halfway, then pitched his hips forward in an experimental thrust. “All
    “Yeah.” She
felt overly stimulated but her nervousness was nearly gone. Instead, a surge of
excitement coursed through her. She was doing this. She was having sex .
    Ander began a
slow, gentle rhythm, his cock sliding inside her in an increasingly pleasurable
way. “You can move your hips,” he said after a minute. “See if you can match my
    She did as he
instructed, still clinging to his shoulders. It made the friction inside her
feel even better.
    “How is it?” Ander
asked. It was hard to see in the darkened room, but she thought he might be
perspiring a little.
    “It’s good,”
she admitted, “Still a little uncomfortable but nothing too bad.”
    Ander adjusted
above her, getting more leverage with this knees. “Let’s see if we can get you
to come. I’m going to rub your clit, if that’s all right.”
    “Yeah. Good.”
Her excitement was rising up now even more, now that the worst was over. And
her previous arousal was building back up. She wanted to come. Really wanted to come. “Can we go a little faster?” she asked, starting to get
breathless again.
    “Of course.”
    Ander adjusted
his weight onto his knees, using one straightened arm to brace himself above
her. He accelerated his rhythm, his pelvis pumping quickly against hers. Then
he squeezed his free arm between their bodies, down near where they were
    Lori gasped in
pleasure when she felt firm pressure on her clit.
    “Try to keep
moving with me,” Ander said when she began to wriggle shamelessly in response.
    She adjusted
her motion, making sure she met each of his thrusts. The erotic momentum inside
her was now climbing quickly. Her body tensed and her breathing disintegrated
into urgent pants.
    Ander’s head
jerked slightly, his eyes cutting to the right. But his voice was low and
soothing as he murmured, “That’s right. Good. You’re getting tighter, but
remember not to clench up too much. You’ll enjoy it more if you relax.”
    Lori didn’t
want to relax. She wanted to snatch at the coiled pressure and force it to
finally let go. Her body started to shake as waves of heat and cold washed over
her. Ander’s rhythmic thrusts and the skillful press on her clit trapped her in
erotic urgency. The only sounds she made were thick drags for air, and her
fingers dug into Ander’s strong shoulders.
    “You’re almost
there, Lori.” Ander’s voice came as if from a blurry distance. “Try to
    She sucked in
air. Then let it out in a slow exhale. Her body bounced desperately with her
feet planted on the mattress and her legs bent up.
    “Almost there,”
Ander murmured, “One more breath.”
    He was right.
On the next exhale, all of her tension broke in pulses of rippling pleasure. Lori’s
mouth opened wide in a silent cry as her body tried to bend backward.
    Ander’s cock

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