900 Miles (Book 2): 900 Minutes

900 Miles (Book 2): 900 Minutes by S. Johnathan Davis Page B

Book: 900 Miles (Book 2): 900 Minutes by S. Johnathan Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. Johnathan Davis
Tags: Zombies
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w e’ d done it before, and it looked like w e’ d be doing it again.
    It was Rodgers that suggested the old middle school where h e’ d substituted. It had been designated as one of these Safe Zones. Near the town of Rainelle, West Virginia, the school itself was on the outskirts of town. That particular destination appealed to us because it was far enough from the city, which was pretty small, and secluded enough to be accessible without having to put up with much of a fight on our way there. We had n’ t hit it up in the past because it was pretty far away, and frankly, we had plenty of medical supplies leading up to that day.
    According to Rodgers, last h e’ d seen it, the middle school had chains on the doors holding an unknown number of the dead inside. This was n’ t uncommon, as I’ d later find out. Evidently before the government officials bugged out they would lock the doors, telling the Safe Zon e’ s temporary inhabitants that the y’ d come back with help.
    Guess we know how that turned out for them.
    Rodgers had given us the address to the old school, and our navigation was set with a course that told us it was forty-two miles away. As we drove through the overgrown landscape, he seemed to know the course, calling out landmarks as we went along.
    Trying to avoid the dead on the trek out there was nearly impossible. However, most of them were now slow and simply staggered along. As the dead aged, their bodies continued to deteriorate. The Zs that had been around since the beginning were always easy to spot. Those monsters seemed to be decomposing from the inside out. The y’ d often be missing most of their skin, with only tight muscle tissue holding them together under whatever ratty clothing would be hanging loosely on their bodies. On the flip side of that coin, if we ever saw faster Zs, showing fewer signs of decomposition, we always knew that some poor bastards had just been overrun.
    There was much speculation about why the creatures appeared faster when they were fresh. They were n’ t exactly Carl Lewis, but hell, they seemed pretty fucking fast when they charged at you displaying a mouth full of pearly whites.
    To some, they might almost seem stronger than they were when they were human. My opinion at this point is that humans have limits set by their minds. The brain wo n’ t let someone run too long without a break. The mind wo n’ t let you lift something that it knows you should n’ t. These thing s… these creatures were devoid of thought. Their minds were gone, and with the absence of limits, a body had the natural ability to push itself harder and faster.
    Either way, we tried like hell to avoid anything with more than a hobbled limp while outside the walls. If any of them saw you, slow or fast, they would be sure to follow you until their last step. We did n’ t need that kind of trouble.
    Letting my mind drift as we passed a creature pulling itself along the road on all fours, my attention was drawn to our surroundings and how much the y’ d changed. I could n’ t help but realize that the world outside of Avalon had been taken back by Mother Earth. Grass was growing up the sides of the houses it had once pristinely sat around. Trees, once trim and beautiful alongside the roads, now grew across the sky, blocking the cloud s… and the sunlight. Everything seemed darker.
    Perfect atmosphere to scare the shit out of anyone, day or night.
    The roads were covered in dirt and moss. It was getting harder and harder to see them each time we left the compound. I found myself thinking about the fact that it would n’ t be too long before that bitch, Mother Earth, would swallow this area whole, much like shaking an Etch A Sketch, erasing all that man had built. Would there be any part of modern society that survived? Surely, some part of the world still existed like it used to.  
    Breaking the silence, and my concentration, I nearly veered off the road when the CB radio squelched to

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