A Bit of Rough
I've no intention of making him a permanent fixture. This is a one-off, no strings attached."
    "Fair enough. Have fun!"
    I made to leave, but Jodi added, "Alison?"
    I groaned, hoping I wasn't about to get a lecture on safe sex from my lovely-yet-sensible friend. That was the last thing I needed, and it would completely kill my buzz. Not to mention condoms were a given, especially with a guy I knew slept around.
    "Give him one for me, will ya?"
    It seemed Andrew even appealed to the sensible girls.
    Back at Andrew's, I gave the place a once-over whilst he was in the kitchen getting us drinks. It was definitely at the low-scale end of bachelor pads, a small, one-bedroomed flat with very little room to maneuver. One might call it cozy, if one was being polite. The place was, however, extremely clean and tidy—much to my relief. Either this guy was a clean freak, or he had a helping hand with the housework from his mum. I hoped it was the former; that boded better for his personal hygiene, which affected me much more than whether the TV had been dusted.
    I flopped onto the living room sofa just in the nick of time. Andrew smiled as he handed over my drink.
    "Thanks," I said. "Nice place you've got here."
    "It's not bad. Much smaller than I'd like, but it's all I can afford at the moment.
    It's cozy, though, isn't it?"
    I grinned inwardly, anticipating his next words.
    "It just means we'll have to snuggle up closer, doesn't it?"
    If I hadn't been so horny, I'd have laughed out loud. But he was hot and eager. I wasn't going to risk crushing that huge ego. Not until I'd had my wicked way with him, anyway.
    We sat and sipped at our drinks, making small talk with lots of meaningful eye contact. There was never any question over what was going to happen next; it was just a case of when. I found myself getting antsy, not to mention increasingly horny, and so thought I'd propel the action forward somewhat.
    I knocked back my drink and set it on the table next to the sofa. Then I stood up and said, "Can I use your bathroom please?"
    "Sure, it's just through there." He indicated the hallway leading off the room we were in.
    I wandered through, did what I needed to do, and then inspected myself in the mirror, making sure I had no unsightly make-up smudges, or anything stuck in my teeth. After primping myself a little, I headed back into the living room. Andrew was nowhere to be seen, though I knew he wasn't far away, as I heard clinking glasses. He was washing up.
    I followed the sound into the tiny kitchen and padded up behind him, unsure if he'd heard me or not. I wasn't bothered if he had noticed me or not; by this point, I just wanted to claim my prize.
    I slipped my arms around his waist, deliberately pushing my breasts into his back and whispered into his ear, "Come on sweetie, I'm sure those can wait, can't they? We have better things to be getting on with."
    Andrew stretched across the draining board, swiftly wiped his hands on a tea towel, and turned in my arms. Leaning down to kiss me, he said, "We most certainly do."
    He tasted faintly of cigarette smoke and more strongly of peppermint from a mint or some gum he'd clearly been munching to mask the smell. Oddly, the combination was a turn on. I hated smoking, but somehow the dirty habit fit perfectly with his pure masculinity. Once again, I wasn't sure if I was the hunter or the prey. But I didn't care. I was about to get my bit of rough.
    In classic cliché style, I took Andrew's hand and led him in the direction of what I hoped was the bedroom—the only place in the flat where I'd yet to go.
    Luckily, my powers of deduction were correct, and I opened the door and stepped inside, not knowing what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised and even more convinced his mum did his cleaning. His bedroom was definitely not as dirty as his smoking habit. As with the rest of the flat, the room was small but tidy. The bed was made up in simple blue cotton— phew . I wasn't sure I'd

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