then pou r th e mi x int o th e saucepa n an d coo k fo r a fe w minutes. Pour in the sugar and the mashed pu m p kin and continue to s t i r well and cook for a furthe r 1 0 minutes . Remov e fro m th e hea t an d allo w t o cool . Spoo n th e pumpki n fillin g into the pie cases and bake them in the oven for 10 minutes, then lower the heat to Gas Mark 2 , ( 150°C/300 ° F ) and continue baking until they are f i rm.
SOURSOP ICECREAM 1 mediu m soursop 475ml water 2 x 400 g tin s condense d milk 300m l evaporate d milk 1 teaspoo n butter ¼ teaspoo n vanill a essence Suga r t o taste 3 tablespoon s cornflour
Cut the soursop in half and remove the flesh with a spoon and mix it wit h abou t 100m l of water, then press it through a sieve to extract the pulp. Mix the condensed an d evaporated
mil k wit h th e remainin g wate r i n a saucepa n an d brin g i t t o th e boil . Ad d th e butter , vanilla essenc e and , suga r t o taste. Mix the cornflour wi t h a little warm water before adding it to the mixtur e , the n stir until it thickens. Remove the pan from the heat and set it aside in a safe place to cool. Add the soursop pulp to the pan and mix well, then transfer it to a shallow freezer container an d pl ac e i t i n th e refrigerato r fo r abou t 3 hour s , beating it every 30 minutes to break down the ice. Remove it a t leas t 3 0 minute s befor e servin g s o tha t i t i s sof t enoug h t o scoo p .
BAKED BANANAS FLAMBEES 4 large ripe bananas 3 teaspoon s o f ligh t rum 50 g butt e r 75 g sugar ½ teaspoo n ground allspice 2 tablespoon s fresh lime or lemon juice
Set the oven to Gas Mark 6, ( 200° C / 400° F) . Pierce the unpeeled bananas with a fork an d plac e the m o n a bakin g shee t and bake them in the oven for 1 0 - 1 5 minute s o r until the y ar e soft , then leave them to cool. Once cooled, peel the skins. War m th e ru m i n a smal l fryin g pa n an d i n anothe r pa n mel t th e butte r the n ad d the sugar and allspice and mix well. Coa t th e banana s wit h th e mixtur e an d plac e the m o n a serving dish and spr i nkle them with a dash of lemon. Remove the pan with the rum from the heat then using great care ignite the rum and pour the flaming rum gently over the bananas and serve immediately.
BANAN A BREAD 120 g butter 50g unsalted peanuts/ blanched almonds 25 g ra isins 225 g plai n four 2 ½ teaspoon s baking powder ¼ teaspoo n freshly ground nutmeg ½ teaspoo n salt 2 large, ripe bananas ½ teaspoo n vanill a essence 75g caster sugar 1 egg
Heat the oven to Gas Mark 4 (180°C/350°F ) . Us e 15 g o f th e butte r t o greas e a medium s ized brea d bakin g tin . Cho p th e nut s an d mi x the m wit h th e raisins . Sif t th e flour , baking powder , nutmeg , an d sal t together . Pee l th e bananas , cho p the n mas h the m int o a purée with a fork. Add the vanilla essence then cream the remaining butter with sugar in a large mixin g bowl . Blen d i n th e egg , the n bea t i n th e flou r an d banan a mixture s alternativel y . Bea t wel l unti l smooth . Ad d th e nu t an d raisi n mixtur e the n pou r th e content s int o the prepared baking tin and bake it in the oven for approximately 60 mi n utes.
Remove from the oven and place the tin on a heatproof surface and allow it to cool for 5 minutes or longer, then turn it out onto a wire rack to cool completely.
CASSAV A BISCUITS 450 g cassava 100 g butter 73g caster sugar 1 egg 150 g fres h coconu t m eat , quartered 225 g plai n flour 1teaspoo n baking powder
Set the oven to Gas Mark 6, (200°C / 400°F). Peel the cassava and grate the flesh then squeez e of f th e juic e and place the pulp to one side. Cream the butter and sugar together, ad d th e egg , grate d cassav a an d coconu t an d mi x the m well. Mix the flour and baking powder together and sift onto a sheet of greas e - proof paper. Turn out the creamed mixture ont o th e grease - proof paper