A Caribbean Diet Cookbook

A Caribbean Diet Cookbook by Winslow Nicholas

Book: A Caribbean Diet Cookbook by Winslow Nicholas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Winslow Nicholas
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Mark 4. Peel the christophenes then cut them into smal l piece s an d boi l the m i n sal t wate r u n til they are soft. Drain them well and mash them with a fork. Add the chopped onion and half the butter/margarine and the pepper.
    Grease a baking dish with the remaining butter then pour in the mashed
    christoph ene. Sprinkle the top with breadcrumbs then p lace the dish i n th e ove n an d bake i t fo r 15 - 2 0 minutes.
    1 large ripe plantain
    A smal l kno b o f butter
    30m l choppe d onion
    1 clove garlic, crushed
    450g spinach, washed and chopped
    Sal t an d pepper
    Grated nutmeg
    1 egg , beaten
    Wh o lemeal flour for dusting
    4 toot h picks

    Slic e th e rip e plantai n lengthwis e an d fr y the m i n oi l o n a moderat e heat , turning frequently , unti l golde n brown . Plac e the m o n kitche n pape r t o drai n . Kee p th e ho t oi l in th e pan . Saut é onions , garlic , an d spi n ach then flavour with a touch of nutmeg an d salt and pepper. Remove from the heat. When cool place in a sieve and press out excessive moisture .
    Arrange the plantain slices into rings securing each with half of a toothpick. Pack
    eac h rin g wit h spinac h an d carefully dip each ring in the beaten egg the n coa t wit h flower and fry for a few minutes, turning once only. Drain them on kitchen paper. Serve hot or col d wit h salad.

    A Caribbea n Die t Cookbook
    Chapter 6
    3 r ipe bananas, skins removed
    150m l o range juice
    Hone y t o taste
    Ginge r s y rup or a slice of ginger
    Malib u t o taste
    10m l desiccated coconut
    2.5m l cinnamon
    lice the bananas lengthwise then place them in a small frying pan. Mix the oran g e juice, honey, and ginger syrup and pour it over the bananas, apply heat and simmer
    until the sauce is reduced and is quite syrupy.
    Serve onto a dessert plat e . Finish off by pouring the Malibu over the bananas then ad d a sprinkl e o f coconu t an d cinnamo n .
    900g sweet potatoes, peeled and grated
    50g fresh ginger, peeled and grated
    225 g demerar a sugar
    1 larg e rip e banana , mashed
    1 x 400 g ti n o f coconu t milk
    1 larg e ti n o f evaporate d milk
    200g desiccated coconut
    10m l groun d ci n namon
    5m l nutmeg
    5ml vanilla
    Mi x al l th e ingredient s togethe r i n a larg e bowl . Prepar e a greased baking tin, then pour th e wel l mixe d ingredient s int o th e ti n an d bak e i t i n a moderat e ove n unti l done . The top should be firm to the touch and browned on t o p. Allow to cool before serving.

    1 ripe sour sop
    1 carton (10fl oz) single cream
    Caster sugar
    Som e grate d nutmeg
    Was h an d pee l th e sou r s op then separate out the flesh into segments. Mi x th e cream, sugar, and nutmeg in a bowl then add t he sour sop. Chill to serv e .
    8 eggs, separated
    125g caster sugar
    1 teaspoo n ginger powder
    2 x 284ml tub of double cream
    10 pieces of stem ginger, chopped finely
    45ml syrup from stem ginger
    Whis k th e eg g white s unti l the y ar e stif f. Ad d th e caste r suga r the n whis k fo r 2 - 3 minute s . I n anothe r bowl , whis k th e crea m unti l i t i s jus t firm . Bea t th e eg g yolk s the n ad d the m to th e white s an d fol d i n . Ad d crea m an d ste m ginge r the n fol d i n onc e more . Ad d ginger syru p . Pou r th e mixtur e int o a l arg e tub , cove r i t an d plac e i t i n th e freezer . Afte r on e or tw o hours , whe n th e mixtur e feel s fir m t o th e touc h , whi p i t onc e mor e , the n retur n i t t o the freezer until i t become s frozen . A s a n optiona l extr a yo u ma y garnis h thi s dis h wit h grated lemo n an d lim e o r orang e rind.
    1 fresh pineapple, peeled and cut into small pieces
    2 tablespoon s of desiccated coconut
    60m l Malibu
    Caste r suga r t o taste
    Plac e th e

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