A Daughter's Inheritance
portion of my estate. It is my specific direction—”
    Mr. Fillmore coughed, cleared his throat, and poured a few inches of water from the glass pitcher. They waited with bated breath while he consumed the liquid.
    “See, I told you. Grandfather was no fool,” Sophie said, elbowing Fanny.
    Fanny scooted forward on her chair, eager to hear her grandfather’s stipulation. The money wasn’t important. She expected her uncles to divide the lion’s share of Grandfather’s estate, while a few specific gifts would be distributed among close friends, loyal staff, and favorite charities.
    “All of my family members who were expected to spend their summers on Broadmoor Island in the past shall continue to do so until the summer following Frances Jane Broadmoor’s eighteenth birthday.”
    Angry stares were immediately directed at Fanny, and she slouched low in her chair.
    Mr. Fillmore drummed his fingers across the wooden desk. “Please! If I may have your attention?” Thankfully, the relatives turned to face the lawyer.
    “The usual exceptions will be allowed for illness, including childbirth. Once recovered, however, I will expect that person to rejoin the rest of the family. There is also the work provision for the men. They may come and go as needed but will spend at least a portion of the summer in residence on the Broadmoor Island. In their absence, their families will remain on the island.”
    The announcement was followed by several loud sighs. Uncle Jonas could be counted among those who thought the edict repugnant. “Let me see that.” He walked around the desk and grabbed the letter from Mr. Fillmore’s hand. “I should have known he’d find some way to torture us,” he muttered, tossing the letter back across the desk.
    Sophie giggled. “I told you Grandfather would continue to control this family.”
    “It is rather amusing,” Amanda agreed, leaning across Fanny. “I’ve never seen my father turn that shade before. This most assuredly is a kick in the knickers for him.”
    Sophie’s sister Beatrice waved her handkerchief toward Mr. Fillmore. “Does this mean that if we don’t go to Broadmoor Island, we won’t receive our inheritance?”
    Amanda’s eldest brother, Grayson, jumped up from his chair. “Exactly what makes you think you’re going to receive an inheritance, Beatrice?”
    “I’m merely inquiring how it’s supposed to work, Grayson. You need not become defensive. I don’t know any more about Grandfather’s will than the rest of you do.” She folded her
    arms across her chest and tightened her downcast lips into an angry frown.
    “Beatrice plays the innocent, but I know from overhearing her that she’s already making plans to add on to her house with her share of the inheritance,” Sophie said, leaning closer to her cousins.
    “But why should any of us expect that kind of thing?” Fanny whispered. “There are sons to receive their father’s wealth. It seems pretentious that the grandchildren and distant relatives should expect something, as well.”
    “I think it’s nonsense to have the island imposed upon us,” someone behind Fanny muttered. Several other voices rose in agreement.
    The reading wasn’t going at all as Fanny had expected. The relatives continued to fire angry barbs while Mr. Fillmore rested his chin in his palm and stared across the desk. At this rate she wondered if they’d ever hear the remaining portions of Grandfather’s will. Finally Uncle Jonas shouted above the din, and an uncomfortable silence fell across the room.
    Mr. Fillmore picked up the letter. “If you’ll remain silent, I’ll continue.” The last paragraph of Grandfather’s letter explained that he intended for the family to continue the summer tradition of gathering at Broadmoor Island until Fanny’s eighteenth birthday, where annual monetary distributions would be disbursed, a custom that had begun after Fanny’s birth.
    Grand-mère had wanted Fanny to spend time with her

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