A Daughter's Perfect Secret

A Daughter's Perfect Secret by Kimberly Van Meter Page B

Book: A Daughter's Perfect Secret by Kimberly Van Meter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Van Meter
Tags: Suspense
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Darcy’s blood. “It’s likely he already knows about you. Mr. Grayson knows everything that goes on in his town.”
    Darcy couldn’t resist. “That doesn’t seem a little…intrusive? I mean, people like a certain amount of privacy, right?”
    “Well, honey, it’s not like you’re being spied on in the restroom.” Pam chuckled. “But a close community is a connected community, that’s what Mr. Grayson says. Oh, and that reminds me, did you get your health screening over at the urgent-care clinic? It’s not required, but it’s certainly looked upon with favor if you plan to put down roots here in town.”
    “A health screening?”
    “Oh yes, it’s very beneficial. When I had mine, I was a little overweight. Not now. Just look at me.” She gestured to her figure. “No lumps or rolls any longer and I feel great. Not that you have that problem, dear. You have a lovely figure. Mr. Grayson will certainly approve.”
    It was the way Pam said it that made Darcy feel a little ill. Of course the woman had no way of knowing she was Samuel’s daughter, but even so, something about earning Samuel’s approval in any way made Darcy want to do something outlandishly reckless so there was no way he would ever approve. Maybe it was some long-buried need to rebel against the absent father figure in her life, but thankfully, self-preservation won out, and she wisely continued to smile and nod. “Well, I work for Dr. Black now, so perhaps he could do my health screening for me,” she said but was surprised when Pam shook her head.
    “Oh no, honey. It has to be at the clinic,” she said firmly. “Dr. Black is a nice man but he’s not completely committed yet, so it’s best to conduct your important business at the clinic. But don’t worry, they have the best of everything there. You couldn’t be in better hands. In fact, just last week I had a dark sunspot removed from my shoulder that could’ve turned cancerous, and I barely have a scar from the laser.”
    “If it wasn’t cancerous, why’d you have it removed? I’ve heard those lasers are painful.”
    Pam laughed and waved away her statement. “It was so ugly. A little pain was worth getting rid of it. Besides, I wouldn’t want Mr. Grayson to think I wasn’t being health conscious by letting a little pain stand in my way.” The lights dimmed, signaling the start of the presentation, and Pam became giddy as a schoolgirl with a crush. “Ohh, here he comes.” The way Pam’s eyes lit up, Darcy amended her assessment. Pam did have a crush on Samuel. Gross.
    She focused on the stage, determined this time not to faint. She wanted to get a good look at the man who had fathered her.
    And possibly killed her mother.

Chapter 8
    R afe purposefully grabbed a beer even though Samuel frowned on alcohol use, another passive-aggressive snub at Samuel on Rafe’s part, and cracked it open with a long sigh for an equally long day. After double-checking doors and windows—he’d never been this paranoid before moving to Cold Plains—he settled into the high-backed leather chair stationed at his desk and pulled the photo of Devin from his wallet. He kept it with him, gaining a modicum of comfort having his image near, even though logically he knew it was an illusion. He didn’t know if his son was alive, whether he was being cared for or whether he was being abused in some dark basement. He tried not to let his mind wander on most days, but tonight, fatigue weakened his mental walls and fear ate him.
    He’d put a few careful calls out today, asking about Abby and her role in Samuel’s life before she disappeared. So far, he’d gotten nothing. Sure, they remembered the woman, but no one remembered her being pregnant or if she’d been dating Samuel.
    Not that Samuel dated. He selected beautiful women to “mentor,” which seemed a code for screwing their brains out at his convenience. He hated to think Abby had been one of his mentorees, but there was a reason Abby was

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