A Designed Affair

A Designed Affair by Cheryl Barton Page A

Book: A Designed Affair by Cheryl Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Barton
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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exhale and ask herself, what had happened tonight?

Chapter 5
    Loren didn’t get much sleep following her evening out with Mike. He had such confidence about himself and Loren knew he would be an assertive and very thorough lover as well. At first she couldn’t get to sleep because she had a few websites she wanted to check out for some ideas for his house. She had been up well into the middle of the night doing that and she still couldn’t get to sleep as her body would not let her forget about the close contact she had with Mike on the dance floor. Her thoughts had drifted so far off to the night before that she almost missed hearing her phone ringing. Seeing it was Taija, one of her friends, she answered.
    “Hey Taija.”
    “Hey Loren. I hope it’s not too early to call you.”
    “No not at all. I’ve been up for a while. I was going to give you a call later today anyway to see how you were. Also, so many people have been contacting me since the auction saying that they had a great time and the ladies who won bachelors have been raving about the great dinner dates they’ve had. We never did get a chance to talk about how yours went with my brother. I’ve been so busy with work since then that I haven’t had a chance to touch base with you.”
    “That’s why I was calling you too. It was incredible and your brother is a great guy. We’ve been hanging out a little since then and I really like him. I hope you don’t mind or find that awkward or anything.”
    Loren laughed at Taija’s comment. Why would she mind?
    “Of course not. Do you girl. My brother is a great guy and I’m happy things turned out good. I could tell he was really into you the night of the bachelor auction. Have fun Taija.”
    “Whew, I’m glad you said that because I wasn’t sure if you would be okay with us continuing to see each other or not. I just wanted you to know. Just to mention again, I had a wonderful time with Duron. Well I won’t keep you long. Thanks again for helping me with the unpacking and decorating I’ve already done. The place looks great. I’ll give you a call soon.”
    After they hung up, Loren patted herself on the back. The bachelor auction this year was a major success. Between her sorority work, her charity work, her business and family stuff, Loren’s free time was pretty much non-existent. Real personal time was all but non-existent for her. Thinking about personal time had her thinking once again about her last failed relationship. She hated when she couldn’t seem to stop revisiting that awful time in her life. She had not had a relationship since her involvement with Sam Wilson.
    He had been the love of her life at one time. They had met her junior year in undergraduate school at Spellman and had been together off and on until her graduation from graduate school when they finally parted ways. It was a tough breakup for Loren. Sam had shown her his true colors when she discovered he was seeing other women while in a relationship with her. They weren’t just dating, but were in what she thought, was a one on one, serious relationship. He obviously had other ideas of what that meant. Not only did the relationship end horribly, but she then discovered that he’d started seeing a woman she considered a very good friend.
    Her brother Duron mentioned, when first met Sam, that there was something about him that he didn’t like. Duron never trusted him. He said Sam was too slick and always seemed to be hiding something. They didn’t know much about his background and he had no family to speak of; no connection to anyone. That automatically set off warning bells with her brother, but Loren was already in love with the man he showed to her every day. At the time that was enough for her. Now that she was older, more mature and a lot wiser, she expected more and she paid attention more.
    For now, she was happy casually dating and taking the time to grow her business. Casual dating for her didn’t mean sex, it

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