A Designed Affair

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Book: A Designed Affair by Cheryl Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Barton
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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simply meant having a man to do fun things with and hang out with. She hadn’t ventured into anything serious since her relationship with Sam and she wasn’t ready to do so yet.
    When she decided to go into business for herself, she knew that it would take a high level of commitment on her part and she was dedicated to seeing her business flourish. If she found a man that she could truly be into, she was willing to invest the time into him, but until then, she would settle for work, work and more work to occupy her time. Being so focused on work, it had actually taken her mind off of the fact that she was not intimately involved with anyone, that is until her evening with Mike the night before. He had stirred up desires she had kept under control. Even now, she knew a cold shower was in her near future if she had plans to lessen the effects of the night before when dreams of Mike and what he would look like naked and aroused had her remembering what it felt like being intimate. He made her miss it.
    Not being able to stand the heated thoughts any longer that were also turning her body into a furnace, she got up and headed for the shower. As she stripped, she knew that this would be a very, very cold shower.
    Mike woke up early Saturday morning with thoughts of Loren on his mind. He had come home the night before and his usual would have been to call a female friend for a nightcap, his word for uncomplicated sex. It’s how he often chose to unwind from his week. He didn’t do a lot of kicking it with women during the week because lots of time was spent building up the business. When the weekend came, he would call one of his beauties and before he could get the invitation out of his mouth, they would ask him what time should they be ready.
    Mike enjoyed having a very active sex life and he loved indulging as much as possible. Even if he wanted to slow things down, he wasn’t sure he could after having his libido stroked so often for so long,. He didn’t know what it meant to turn it off. Last night, however, was different. Last night was the first Friday in a long time that he didn’t pick up his phone to either visit one of his sex buddies or pick one up to join him at his condo. His cell phone had rung a few times from female friends who left messages wanting to know if they would get to see him. He surprised himself when he didn’t return the phone messages which were clearly invitations for sex. Instead, he ended up back at his condo alone and thinking about Loren all evening.
    Mike let his mind play tricks on him with many wonders of what would have happened if he had kissed Loren in the car, which is what they both wanted. He could tell by the look in her eyes that she wanted him to kiss her and he struggled with that decision. He wanted to badly, but he couldn’t get past the fact that Loren was Duron’s sister and he didn’t feel it would be right to give in to his body’s want for Loren when he knew what dangers would lay ahead for him down the road. Instead, he took what he considered the high road and walked away. He tried not to search Loren’s face for any disappointment when they spoke before he closed the door. All he knew was that he had done the right thing. At least he thought so at that moment. In the light of day now, he wished he had kissed her. That way the not kissing her would not have haunted him all night. He had been with enough women where he knew the look of a woman who desired him. He desired her as well, but he knew that desire was making them both forget the consequences of proceeding down that path.
    For the first time in his life, his past sexual escapades and his reputation with women had come back to bite him in the ass. If he knew nothing else, he knew that Loren knew of his playboy ways when it came to women.
    Being Duron’s sister, she knew first-hand the plethora of women he was known to have bedded over the years. He was also known for dating several women at one time.

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