A Dream Come True

A Dream Come True by Barbara Cartland

Book: A Dream Come True by Barbara Cartland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Cartland
Tags: Romance
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stepfather came through the crowd towards her.
    â€œLucia, I would speak to you privately. I confess that I have tired of this ball and wish to return home. Are you ready to leave?”
    Lucia looked at the clock. It was only half-past ten, but the incident with Edward had somewhat soured her evening.
    â€œLet me finish these few morsels and I will come home with you,” she agreed.
    â€œEdward, you will not mind if I leave now with my stepfather, will you?”
    He hesitated for a moment and did not look at all pleased.
    â€œOf course not,” he answered, as etiquette demanded. “I will send my carriage for you tomorrow afternoon at two o’clock.”
    He took her hand and kissed it.
    As he moved away, he gave her a look that convinced her she had wounded him enough to make him want to come back.
    â€œGoodnight, Lucia. Goodnight, Sir Arthur.”
    He turned round and was soon lost in the crowd.
    â€œI will have the footman fetch your coat. I will wait for you at the entrance,” said Sir Arthur dourly.
    Lucia went to find Emmeline to bid her goodbye and then hurried out of the ballroom.
    As she left, she caught a glimpse of Lord Winterton. He appeared deep in conversation with an attractive middle-aged woman who was wearing just a few too many diamonds.
    His hot eyes followed her and she felt herself flush.
    â€˜He is so impudent,’ she said to herself once again.
    Sir Arthur was waiting for her along with a footman who held her velvet coat.
    Briggs was already in the motor car with the engine running when they emerged into the chilly night air. The hood had been pulled down and he pulled a warm woollen rug over her legs.
    As the car drew away, her stepfather announced,
    â€œWell, I have found a solution to our little problem.” Lucia felt sick.
    â€˜Why do I believe this might involve me?’ she asked herself as her heart raced.
    â€œI have struck a most agreeable deal with Lord Winterton,” he continued. “He tells me that he finds himself lacking a good secretary and I happened to mention how good you are at replying to correspondence. Your Mama is forever praising your ability to write letters and so, when he said he required someone, I suggested you. In return for your services, he will lend me the money we need to get ourselves out of trouble.”
    Lucia was half elated and half horrified – she was not averse to the idea of working. After all, it would take her out of the house, but this was so sudden.
    And the details of the deal were yet to be revealed. She assumed that she would be working for no remuneration in order to repay the debt.
    â€œThat is very generous of him,” she answered slowly, “but I find it hard to believe that he will be happy with my working for him for nothing. I shall not accrue enough earnings in a million years, even if I work all day, every day”
    Sir Arthur also took his time in replying. He did not meet her gaze, he simply continued to stare straight ahead as he answered her,
    â€œYou are a clever girl and I will not seek to pull the wool over your eyes. I have agreed to Lord Winterton marrying you after six months, should he find you agreeable.”
    Lucia felt as if the bottom had just fallen out of her world. She gripped on to the side of the car as it rocked around a corner and could hardly speak.
    â€œYou – have – bargained with me – as the security and deposit?” she stammered. “How could you do that? I do not wish to marry the man! Edward de Redcliffe – ”
    â€œEdward de Redcliffe is not offering me twenty-five thousand pounds to get us out of the trouble largely caused by your father’s imprudence,” he shouted flying into a rage. “I am now head of the house and, if you know what is good for you, you will do as I say without a word to the contrary!”
    â€œBut – ”
    â€œNo more, Lucia. I have arranged for Lord Winterton to visit us

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