A Family of Their Own

A Family of Their Own by Gail Gaymer Martin Page A

Book: A Family of Their Own by Gail Gaymer Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gail Gaymer Martin
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well as I’d hoped. Peyton wasn’t receptive. Things were tense.” Things were horrible.
    “Peyton’s relationships have been limited, Ross. You can’t expect wonders. At least not that fast.”
    “I know. I hoped. But I’m thinking and…” Ethan’s serious expression motivated him to spit out his concern. “I really like Kelsey. A lot. But my life belongs to Peyton, and I—”
    “Ethan, your life doesn’t belong to Peyton. It’s yours. You give her your full attention because you love her. But you’re good at multitasking. You have to be as a contractor. Find ways to split your time, and you’ll be better for it.”
    “Better for it? What do you mean?”
    “It’s like anything in life. If you keep your eyes aimed at one thing, you miss other important things. When you let your time and interest take in more, you’re a more complete person. You can’t cut off the joy of life and dwell on Peyton’s illness. You’ll be a sad, depressed person and that’s not good for you or her.”
    The words cut him. “Is that what I am? Sad and depressed?”
    “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m talking feelings.” He rose from the chair and rounded his desk. “We don’t talk about feelings much, but they drive us. Emotions cause us to react in certain ways and believe certain things. When they’re one-sided, we’re not getting the full picture. I lived my wife’sdeath over and over, and never opened myself to anything beyond that until Lexie came into my life.”
    “That’s why I came to you, I suppose.”
    Ethan leaned against his desk, resting a hand on the top. “Do you like Kelsey enough to work at it? You can learn how to share time, and maybe Lucy and Peyton could become friends. They both—”
    “That’s the problem. Peyton won’t let it happen.”
    “Ahh.” Ethan slipped onto the desktop and leaned forward. “So that’s it.” A frown settled on his face. “And they’ve only been together once, right?”
    He nodded.
    Ethan flung his hands upward. “You’ve said Peyton struggles with friendships at school. She hasn’t clicked with the kids. You know how people are. She’s not trusting yet. Give her time. Plan another event.”
    “I’m not sure Lucy will want to spend time with her again.”
    “Don’t look for problems. Lucy’s a great kid. She and Cooper are friends, and they go at each other when it comes to games. Lucy’s determined to win, but they’re still buddies. It may take a while for the girls to bond. Lucy and Cooper have been friends since Lexie met Kelsey. That was some time ago.”
    Ross tried to digest what Ethan was saying. He made some good points. “I need to think of something that’s nonthreatening or competitive.”
    “How about going to a movie and afterward stopping for ice cream? They’ll be together but nothing challenging. No need for a lot of conversation.”
    Ross chuckled. “Unless it’s picking out a movie.”
    “Okay, but you can always put ideas in a hat and let them draw. Then it’s no one’s idea.”
    Ethan’s good humor gave Ross hope. He grinned as he rose. “Great idea. Thanks.”
    “Anytime.” Ethan slippedd from the desk and slid his arm around Ross’s shoulders. “I suppose Kelsey told you I was irked at Lexie when she advised her not to get too involved with you.”
    His back tightened. “No, she didn’t.”
    “Oops.” His arm dropped to his side. “I assumed she did. Lexie feared exactly what you’re talking about. How can two people with sick kids find time for another person?”
    Ross nodded his head. At least he wasn’t the only one to question the situation.
    “But I saw it differently. I think the two of you deserve some fun and companionship other than with your kids.” He squeezed Ross’s shoulder. “For the reasons I mentioned.”
    “Thanks for the vote of confidence.” He extended his hand and Ethan gave it a squeeze.
    When he stepped into the hallway, though a weight remained on his shoulders, his

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