Breaking an Empire

Breaking an Empire by James Tallett

Book: Breaking an Empire by James Tallett Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Tallett
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basic moat and wall system to break up charges. Once they had the primary trench built, the soldiers added a second shallow one some ten feet further out, in the hopes that two would fracture charges better than one, and that when the Lianese forces arrived at the wall, they would be disorganized and easier to combat.
    Later that evening, Rhocas returned to their camp for the first time in several days. He still wore his battered and dirty armour, and on the outside had not changed at all, but the sergeant wondered if the nascent firemage stood with a straighter back, and a stronger gleam in his eye.
    “Oh, so you can finally get back to work?” Locsyn twirled one end of his moustache in his hand while he spoke.
    “I’m to be one of the secondary mages on this side of the walls, in case a breakout attempt happens. Hopefully, it means I don’t have to do much. I’m still better with a sword than a fire.”
    “If you can do anything, it should cause a fair bit of panic. Just make sure to keep that armour on you if you do, because waving fire around is an invitation to end up looking like a pin cushion stuffed full of arrows.”
    “Thanks, that’s really making me feel happy with this new role.”
    “Well, if you’re smart, you’ll be so far back the arrows can’t reach you. We get to shield you then.” Rhocas shook his head at the comments, and the banter continued on into the night, one of the squad taking watch duty for each stretch, while the others spoke around the fire.
    The next morning saw them wake tired, and to the fog of a grey, wet, sunrise. With no breath of wind to stir the blanket away, it appeared ready to sit all day long. Rhyfelwyr sighed, and ordered the men forward into a picket line near Horaim, but out of bow shot. The mist damped sound enough that if the Lianese troops sallied, there would be little warning, and so better that his squad be across the mouth of the gate.
    The day passed cramped and uncomfortable, and when night fell and the fog began to lift, the squad returned to the fire damp and grumpy, only to be met by orders stating the attack was tomorrow, near dawn. Hearing that, Rhyfelwyr forced the squad to sleep, and did not bother setting watches for the night. A hearty meal in their bellies, the soldiers lay down to bed, although some had trouble passing out. It was to be a momentous morning for them all.
    Their third of Glanhaol Fflamboethi assembled the next morning, before the sun had risen. Formed into a long column, they were to charge the north gate as it was destroyed. Rhyfelwyr hoped they could catch the Lianese forces before morning woke them, but as he looked towards the distant walls, shrouded by night, he shook his head. Today, he had a bad feeling.
    A great burning noise filled the air, and a massive ball of fire lifted from the front ranks of the Veryan army and slammed into the portal and surrounding wall, shattering them into rubble. A roar thundered, and the column surged, building pace to a run.
    Rhyfelwyr and his squad had been designated to capture warehouses. The food situation was desperate enough that capturing those supplies could change the outcome of the campaign, and so the sergeant gritted his teeth and raised his shield high, warding off the arrows he felt sure to come. Around him, Gwyth and Locsyn and Taflen kept time, while Llofruddiwr had disappeared. That didn’t surprise Rhyfelwyr at all; it meant the assassin had been close to the walls when the explosion opened the gates, and was already causing havoc inside Horaim.
    Glanhaol Fflamboethi crossed the open ground with no shower of arrows falling upon them, and as the column passed into the city, it began to fracture into many smaller commands, each heading towards their set targets. It was but a few moments later that the sounds of fighting erupted, and archers appeared on rooftops and leaning out of windows as Lianese soldiers burst from their places of concealment to strike the Veryan troops

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