They Were Born Upon Ashes
forest to the north. We must go tonight.”
    “Okay, we will go,” said Claire. “I have packed all of our essentials and memorabilia. Double check the home for anything else you need.”
    Hudson began to franticly sift through their bookshelf and drawers.
    Claire looked at her young son and said, “Robert, if you’d like any of your toys gather them up now. Anything else you’d like to bring with us you must gather now, honey.”
    “When will we be back, Mother?” asked Robert. “It may be for a very long time. But listen to me. Everything is going to be okay.”
    Penny sat on the bed and observed the family as they prepared to leave their whole world behind in hopes of a better tomorrow.
    Hudson looked at Penny and asked, “Will you come with us?”
    “I do not know,” she said. “All I know is that my love came to this city with three king’s men. Do you know if the king’s men are leaving in that group?”
    “I’m sorry, Penny, I don’t know who all is leaving. All I know is that thousands are. My guess is that the Refect that did not comply with the new rules are leading the exodus. But it is only a guess.”
    “There is a half chance he will be a part of the group,” said Penny. “There is also a half chance that he is still within the walls of the city. He might be out there right now fighting for what’s right.”
    “We leave now,” said Hudson. “If you come with me now I promise you will be safe.”
    “I...I’m going to stay,” said Penny. “I’m taking a shot in the dark here. I am going to look for him tomorrow here in the city.”
    “As you wish, Penny,” said Hudson. “You can stay the night here; in fact, you can stay multiple nights if you wish. Here, take this.”
    Hudson pulled out a key from his pocket and handed it to her. He walked over to his bed and pulled out a drawer from underneath it. He opened it and revealed a silver dagger that was etched in strange letters of a foreign language. He handed it to Penny.
    “I hope you are right, and he is still here,” said Hudson. “Do not go out in those streets at night. Always try to stay near a crowd. Never walk past alleys on your own. Farewell, Penny Goldstem. We may yet cross paths in Ralton.”
    Hudson turned and walked towards the door and began to unlock it.
    “What is his name?” asked Claire.
    “His name is Nick Bint. He looks like a Paplon but he is, in fact, a Hetha. If you find him tell him that I am safe and that I will meet him in Ralton. Tell him that I love him.”
    “Some man you have there, Penny,” said Claire. “I will do just that if we cross paths. Please stay safe, dear.”
    Just as they opened the door Penny said, “Thank you again for everything. In the darkest of nights you have shown a great light.”
    Penny locked the door behind the family. She sat back down on the bed and laid her head back on the pillow.
    The mid morning sun started to bake the floor beneath Penny’s shoes. She could feel the heat resonate in her toes. She covered her head with a blanket from the loving family’s home. She was not conceited but she knew that she was an attractive young girl. With the numerous animals set loose along the streets the easiest thing she could do to protect herself was to hide her face.
    She went to numerous taverns, inns, shops, and bars looking for the whereabouts of Nick.
    She focused on asking if anyone knew where the king’s men were. She did her best to only ask Reza with their gloves still on. That way she knew that person would most likely be safe to talk to.
    She had no luck. The location of the king’s men seemed to be the city’s greatest mystery. It is as if they had vanished, or better yet, left the city in the night.
    The mid morning sun turned into the late afternoon sun. The sun started to set in the west. Long shadows began to cast on the ground around her from the peaks of Genold’s tallest buildings.
    Her ankles ached from the miles of walking up and down the city

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