Reunited (Book 2 of Lost Highlander series)

Reunited (Book 2 of Lost Highlander series) by Cassidy Cayman

Book: Reunited (Book 2 of Lost Highlander series) by Cassidy Cayman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassidy Cayman
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coarse hairs on his thighs brushed the tender skin of her breasts and she slid her hands lower, unable to get enough of him. She felt a frenzied need to get all of him in her hands, in her mouth. After a moment of sweet torment, he took her under her arms and lifted her back up to him.
    “I wasn’t through,” she said with a wicked smile.
    He shook his head and growled, easily bundling her onto the bed.
    With a wicked smile of his own, he began to kiss his own way down her body. She threw her hands above her head and sighed with the intense bliss of it all. Having him back and in bed with her, his mouth doing heavenly things all over her, was perfection.
    If her barn hadn’t nearly burned down she would have chalked it all up to a fantasy dream.
    She looked longingly at his silky, jet black hair trailing over her breasts and down her stomach and ran her fingers over the soft strands, trembling with wanting him.
    Lachlan’s mouth found its way between her legs, enflaming her senses. Gasping, she arched her back and dug into his shoulders, his strong muscles bunching in her grasp.
    Eyes closed, she reached blindly down to him and he found her hand, twining his fingers together with hers as he devastated her with his tongue.
    He continued until she was quaking with pleasure and ravenous to have him inside her, too weakened from ecstasy to do more than tug on his arms.
    “You’re terrible,” she said when he slid up her body, pausing to look into her lust glazed eyes. He nudged her gently and she wrapped her legs around him, trying to get him closer. “You’re cruel,” she said.
    With a laugh of joy he plunged into her and she cried out, her rapture caught in his fevered kiss.


    “Oh holy hell,” Piper muttered as she scrambled out of the tangled bedclothes to reach her phone. “What, Sam?” she answered rather rudely.
    She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and her mood instantly softened when she saw Lachlan waking up and grinning at her.
    “We’re on our way back from Glasgow,” Sam said. “We’re nearly there.” There was a scuffling sound and then a screech in her ear.
    “What is going on, Piper?” Evie yelled at her.
    Piper held the phone away while Evie continued to rail on the other end. When the tirade died down, she held the phone back to her ear.
    “So, Sam filled you in?” she asked.
    “Filled me in? With what? All he knows is that Lachlan’s back.”
    Piper looked over at Lachlan and crawled back into bed, pulling the covers over them both and snuggling up next to him.
    Something dawned on her as she listened to Evie’s disgruntled complaints. As a matter of fact, that was all she knew, too. Lachlan was back. He’d told her how he’d managed it but she still didn’t know the why.
    As much as it gratified her that he loved her and didn’t want to live without her, she kind of suspected there was more to the story.
    She edged away from him and sat up, narrowing her eyes at him. He went from content to nervous at her look. Mmmhmmm, he was hiding something.
    “You know what?” Piper told Evie while she continued to stare Lachlan down. “I’m going to have to call you back. Or better yet, just hurry up and get here.”
    “Don’t you—” Evelyn was yelling as Piper clicked the phone off.
    Lachlan ran his hand up her thigh and she scooted away.
    “Oh, no you don’t. You’ve managed to confuse me twice already with that, buster. But now I need some answers.”
    She popped out of bed and started pulling on layers of clothes. If he couldn’t touch her, she would be able to maintain her wits.
    “Did you leave anything out yesterday?” she asked.
    She tossed him his t-shirt, and tried not to look at him as he struggled to get it over his head. God, his arm muscles actually rippled.
    “I may have done,” he said and she pounced.
    “May have done?” she yelled, flinging his jeans at him with all the force she could muster after a night of being repeatedly reduced to quivering

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