Reunited (Book 2 of Lost Highlander series)

Reunited (Book 2 of Lost Highlander series) by Cassidy Cayman Page B

Book: Reunited (Book 2 of Lost Highlander series) by Cassidy Cayman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassidy Cayman
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distressed and she knew she should eventually get down there and help deal with things, but she couldn’t seem to shake the sense that she was under a noose.
    She pushed a plate of crackers in front of Evie, who groaned and shook her head.
    “Eat them,” Piper demanded, looking meaningfully at her best friend.
    She would out her, Evie knew she would, if she didn’t eat the damn crackers and quit throwing up all over the place. Evie seemed to absorb all this from Piper’s glare and started nibbling.
    “Now, you,” she said, turning to Lachlan, who looked like he was on the verge of throwing up as well. She took his hand. “Tell us what happened.”
    She turned to Sam and Evie, who was now on her third cracker and seemed better already. “Try to keep up, okay?”
    Lachlan looked around at everyone and took a deep breath, blowing it out slowly, then wrinkled up his brow and started confessing.
    “Well, it was around the time I was learning from the herb woman, Agnes,” he began. “All the time, guests were arriving for the feast. There were dozens of bloody Glens and their cousins trickling in from all over Scotland. I couldna keep up with them all until one day a particular young lass arrived home.”
    “What was so particular about her?” Piper asked a little saucily.
    Evelyn smiled at her and got up to rummage in the refrigerator for more food.
    “She was away visiting a relative. I had no’ seen her since she was a wee lass. Her name is Isobel Glen.” Lachlan said the name with some fanfare and everyone stared at him. “Her married name would be Isobel Glen Mckellen.”
    He looked around and was still faced with blank looks. He sighed. “Do ye remember when we went down into the crypt and ye told me to wait behind for ye?” he asked Piper and she nodded.
    She’d had to go down into the crypt, had actually been compelled by her dead ancestor Daria to go to Daria’s tomb and get information that would let her do the spell needed for time travelling. She’d brought Lachlan with her and made him stay in another room, fearing Daria’s spirit wouldn’t want him around.
    “Aye, well, I was in the crypt for quite some time waiting for ye,” he said. “I learned quite a lot about yer ancestry.”
    “Isobel Glen is your direct ancestor,” Sam said, finally snapping to it. “Of course. She’s on the family tree we were working on.”
    “You’re working on a family tree?” Evie said, sitting back down with a plate of green grapes and more crackers. Her eyes filled with tears. “That’s really sweet.”
    Piper and Sam stared at her agog, and Piper wanted to reach over and thump her one, but she mustn’t hit a pregnant woman, even if her pregnancy hormones were making her a distracted nutcase.
    “Aye, Isobel Glen is Piper’s great-great-great …“ Lachlan trailed off and looked to Sam, the supreme nerd of such things.
    “How far removed is that?” Piper asked, trying to do the math in her head and going cross-eyed.
    “Thirteen generations?” Sam pondered, then shrugged. “We can look on the tree and figure it out later. At any rate, it’s a ways back.”
    “So you met my great etcetera grandmother,” Piper said, nudging Lachlan to continue. She slapped her hand over her mouth. “Did you accidentally … ?”
    “No!” Lachlan said. “I didna accidentally kill yer many times great-granny.” He looked down and twisted his hands together. “She was going to be getting betrothed at the celebration feast. All the ladies were aflutter with it. But, I remembered from the crypt, the name of her husband, and it wasna this man they were all speaking of.”
    Piper sucked in her breath. “What did you do?”
    Lachlan looked down, then up, anywhere but at her. She glanced warily at Sam and Evie, and they both shrugged.
    “I tried to find the man she was supposed to marry, but it was as if he didna exist. I asked everyone at the castle, I sent out messengers to neighboring lands. No one knew of

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