Reunited (Book 2 of Lost Highlander series)

Reunited (Book 2 of Lost Highlander series) by Cassidy Cayman Page A

Book: Reunited (Book 2 of Lost Highlander series) by Cassidy Cayman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassidy Cayman
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jelly. “What did you leave out, pray tell?”
    He caught the jeans as they whizzed past his head and started to pull them on. She focused on a point on the wall above his left shoulder. When he’d managed to get them on, he stumbled over to her and took her by the shoulders, trying to get her to look at him.
    “Piper, I was scared of something that had to do with ye,” he said, shaking her a little.
    She looked up at him. “With me? But how?”
    He wiped his hand over his face. “Can we no’ go to the village?” he pleaded. “I want so desperately to be with ye for as long as I can.”
    She stared at him and refused to budge.
    “Piper, I think we must go back. Something went wrong in my time. I think I may have made a grave mistake.”
    He let go of her shoulders and his whole body slumped. He pressed his hand against his forehead as if he were trying to rid himself of a headache.
    “Lachlan, are you sick?” she asked, taking his hand away and feeling his head for fever.
    The illness had started before as a headache, and even though he didn’t think he could get sick from time travel anymore, she couldn’t help but be gripped with fear.
    He looked at the ceiling as if for answers from on high and shook his head.
    “I dinna know how much time we have, or if everything is fine or not,” he said, his voice tinged with anguish. “I was so glad to see ye alive and well, I wanted to believe it may have worked itself out.”
    “What?” she cried, trying to shake the answers out of him.
    He was as reticent and unyielding as a mountain.
    “I think ye may be in danger,” he said finally, his voice low and harsh. “That time may change and ye may no’ be born.”

Chapter 7

    All of the air seemed to get sucked out of her. Before she could get a breath or even a coherent thought to reply, the chime of the doorbell she’d recently had installed tinkled its way up to her room.
    They both stared at each other, Lachlan stricken and pale, then they both turned toward the sound of the doorbell.
    “Sam and Evie, no doubt,” Piper said blankly and turned to go let them in.
    She heard Lachlan follow her, but she didn’t turn around.
    “Come in, hurry,” Piper said, opening the door.
    She squeezed Evie in a welcoming death grip after she pulled her into the front hall.
    Evie looked as fantastic as ever—a tall, voluptuous, red haired glamazon. She’d come into her gorgeous good looks as a late bloomer, and as such, didn’t act like someone who knew she was pretty.
    Lachlan and Sam exchanged manly claps on the back and shook hands. Sam couldn’t seem to believe his eyes and kept clearing his throat and laughing nervously.
    “Piper, are you okay?” Evie asked, peering into her face. Piper still felt stunned from Lachlan’s revelation and was having trouble concentrating. “You look a little green,” Evie said, and then started to go green herself, as if in sympathy to Piper’s shock.
    “Go.” Piper pointed to the nearest bathroom, and Evelyn took off running, retching sounds reverberating from behind the closed door.
    “We had to stop twice,” Sam said, looking concerned. “I hope whatever she has passes quickly.”
    Piper snorted, and then winced at his shocked look at her seeming lack of concern.
     “We need to get a little food on her stomach,” she said.
    She yelled through the bathroom door for Evelyn to meet them in the kitchen and then headed in that direction, giving the men no other choice but to follow her.
    After Lachlan’s bombshell, she felt as if she we were slogging through knee deep water, as if an unseen clock was ticking down and she could slip under at any moment. She forced herself to remain calm, at least until she knew all the details.
    When they were all gathered in the kitchen, she looked out the window to see the stable workers busily airing out the barn. A man she assumed was a fire inspector was waving his arms around and pointing while Pietro stood by. She knew he would be

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