Sophia Hampton - Withdrawal (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 2)

Sophia Hampton - Withdrawal (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 2) by Unknown

Book: Sophia Hampton - Withdrawal (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 2) by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
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the driver’s seat. She needed to get home and grieve alone. “Okay, call us if you need us!” he called over the sound of her engine starting. She didn’t waste any time peeling out of the parking lot and heading home.
    When she got to her apartment, she couldn’t believe how small it seemed compared to Andy’s. She carried up her food and put it away, not worrying about the rest at the moment. She just needed to crawl in bed and let all her emotions go if she was going to get over this.
    She pulled out some pajamas she’d left behind, just shorts and a matching shirt, and changed into it. Pulling a journal and a pen from her nightstand, she did exactly what she had planned; crawled into the bed and covered up her lower half. She looked through the journal to find an empty page. She had been journaling for years, but she’d stopped for a couple years and picked it back up again when she started going to Addicts Anonymous.
    She put the date at the top of the blank page and began to write down all her feelings about Andy and what he’d done to her by hiding everything that had been going on in his life.
    What hurt the most, though, was looking right into his eyes and not recognizing the person I saw there. He was not Andy anymore, and I am not sure how long he hasn’t been Andy. I thought I knew him, and I thought he trusted me. I could have helped him, dragged him to every AA meeting, talked to Rebecca about a way out of the gang. But he didn’t give me a chance.
    Tears began to fall freely from her eyes as she wrote those last words. It was too much for her to handle. She thought she’d found something special, but all she got was another addict with a secret life that she didn’t fit into. The pain was too much to bear like she was having a heart attack. Didn’t she hear somewhere that people could die of a broken heart?
    Irene had been absolutely right about her unshared feelings for Andy, but it did nothing to comfort her sitting there alone in her dark bedroom spilling her heart onto a piece of paper.
    She waltzed right into the kitchen to a small bag that she had brought home from Andy’s without even meaning to. It had a six pack of his favorite beer in it, and it smelled so much like him that Melanie couldn’t stand it. She knew if she just let go she’d feel so much better.
    She darted her eyes around as if someone would catch her before grabbing the whole six pack and running back to her bedroom with it. One by one, she popped them open and knocked them back too fast to taste them. She hated beer, but this was her connection to the man she lost. If he could lose himself, so could she trying to find him again.
    By bottle number six, she felt herself feeling numb and incredibly tired. It was just as well. It could keep her from going out and buying more alcohol to drown herself in.
    She passed out there on her bed with Andy on her mind, him slipping through her many dreams all night long. It was a comfort as she slept and remembered no part of the last terrible week. It was too bad she wouldn’t have her dreams to get her through the day when she woke up. She had a bad habit of forgetting them.

    Andy walked in the door to his apartment feeling agitated. He was running late, and that was never a good thing when it involved the Colombians. He’d have to be a speed demon if he was going to make it there on time to not get his balls lopped off by the Colombians or worse.
    As he stepped inside his bedroom and sat down on the bed, something felt strange and off. The apartment had an empty feeling. He knew Melanie was probably at work or something, maybe running a little late in the traffic. But it felt like more than that. He couldn’t believe how badly he’d screwed things up with her. He wasn’t sure though if he was angry at himself for doing anything to hurt her in the first place or for being careless enough to get caught. And that

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