Tangled Up in Princes (Royal Romances Book 1)

Tangled Up in Princes (Royal Romances Book 1) by Molly Jameson

Book: Tangled Up in Princes (Royal Romances Book 1) by Molly Jameson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Molly Jameson
Tags: Romance
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know that I've missed you these past few days."
    She leaned back in her chair. He missed her. There went her heart, galloping off to Happytown again.
    "Really? You missed me?"
    "Every second. I've been trying to find a way to get back there, but ... it's a difficult time just now."
    "Oh? Is everything okay?"
    She heard him sigh, a sad sound that made her worry for him.
    "It's been a tough few days. I find my thoughts returning to the walk we shared."
    So, he wouldn't tell her what was going on. Well, why should he?
    "I miss you too," she said.
    "Do you?"
    ”Of course."
    "Have thoughts of me kept you up nights?"
    If he only knew.
    "Nah, I sleep like the dead. Amanda's keeping me busy."
    "I can only imagine. So tell me, you're the maid of honor, correct? Aren't those gowns supposed to be hideous confections of pink ruffles?"
    "This shindig is far too fancy for pink ruffles. I'm wearing navy blue silk. Very tasteful."
    "You'll be lovely. I'm doing my damnedest to get back there for the wedding. How long are you staying?"
    "We'll be leaving Monday morning."
    "So soon? I'd have thought you'd stay for a bit."
    "Amanda and Phillip are leaving Sunday for their honeymoon, and, um, there wasn't really any reason for me to stay longer than that."
    "And now? Have you a reason to stay now?"
    "Edward," she whispered his name.
    For all her cavalier manner toward him, the truth was that she'd hardly thought of anything but him since they were last together. Was he keeping her awake at night? He was in her dreams. But she couldn't tell him that. Nothing drove a man away faster than a clingy woman. Besides, this was just a fling. One did not get all moon-eyed and heartsick over a fling.
    "I love the way you say my name," he said in a voice like stubble rubbing against silk.
    And she loved everything about him.
    Dinner was over. Guests started filing out of the dining room. Her father came out loosening his tie and looking uncomfortable. Then came the Rhys-Coopers, looking poised and superior. Then Amanda and Phillip came out holding hands. They did look amazing together. Carrie hoped they would be happy. They could be. Unlike herself and Edward. Edward was royalty, and Carrie was just a girl from Kentucky. She'd do well to remember that.
    She stood and started walking to her room.
    "Dinner's over. I should go."
    "But you didn't eat anything."
    She forced a dry laugh, "That's okay. I lost my appetite."
    "Carrie, I will get back there. I will not allow you to leave without seeing me again. I'll stop your plane if I have to, and don't think I haven't the authority to do it."
    "There it is, all that vanity again."
    "Of course, I've a reputation to uphold," he said, his jocular tone dwindling, "Make no mistake, I will see you again."
    "Edward."--This was the wrong thing to say. She shouldn't say it--"I hope you can make it here. I really would love to see you again."
    "I promise," he said, and they hung up.
    She wanted to believe him. Oh, how she wanted it! But he was a prince. His world was completely foreign to her.
    She snuck back into her room, glad that her absence had gone unnoticed. She needed a few hours alone. But a few hours was too much to hope for, she realized when a knock sounded on her door. She opened it, expecting to see Amanda. Instead, a young man in a leather jacket stood there.
    "Are you Carrie MacCallum?"
    "I am. Who are you?"
    "I work at the pub down on High Street. We got a call from a bloke, said we was to deliver this here dinner to you. You ain't going to believe it, miss, but the man said he was Edward, the Prince of England."
    He handed over a paper bag. Disbelief must have shown on her face.
    "I didn't believe it either, but he charged the meal on a bank card issued to Edward Wales, and he gave me a hundred pound tip for the delivery. Anyhow, here's a supper for you."
    She thanked the man, closed the door behind him, and opened the paper bag. The unmistakable smell of fried fish and chips wafted out. She

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