Tangled Up in Princes (Royal Romances Book 1)

Tangled Up in Princes (Royal Romances Book 1) by Molly Jameson Page B

Book: Tangled Up in Princes (Royal Romances Book 1) by Molly Jameson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Molly Jameson
Tags: Romance
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passage--"I'd better be going."
    "Wait. Will I see you at the wedding?"
    "At Phillip's wedding? I hardly think so."
    She vanished into the wall just as the door opened. Amanda gave one quick knock before barging right in.
    "I heard voices."
    Carrie picked up her phone and gestured with it.
    "How is Jeannie? A shame she couldn't come."
    It was just like Amanda to assume Carrie was on the phone with her best friend. Of course, if Carrie had been on the phone, it would have been with Jeannie because -- let's face it -- Carrie had no life. Not yet. Not until later tonight.
    "So? What's up now?"
    Amanda flounced onto the bed. Why simply sit when flouncing was so much more dramatic?
    "Do you think I'm making the right decision?"
    "Absolutely. I don't care what Mrs. Rhys-Cooper thinks, crystal candle holders will completely disappear on the table settings. The brass ones will look better, even if they are cheaper."
    "I'm not talking about that."
    "What are you talking about then? The color of the linens? The flowers for the bouquet? What? I'm having trouble keeping up."
    "I'm talking about marrying Phillip."
    Whoa. Carrie sat down rather abruptly on the antique padded stool.
    "Where's this coming from?"
    Amanda blew out a sigh, "Oh, you know."
    "I promise you, I don't know. Why don't you enlighten me?"
    "Phillip is great. I mean, look at this place. I'm getting married in a Scottish castle."
    "But you're not marrying the Scottish castle. You're marrying Phillip. We talked about this once already. You said you were sure that even if Phillip was as poor as a church mouse, you'd still want to marry him."
    "And I would. I do. It's just ... he's so solid and steady."
    "Solid and steady are good traits in a husband."
    "They are. But I'm not solid or steady. I'm flighty and prone to distraction."
    No use arguing that one.
    "I think acknowledging that shows great personal growth." How was that for diplomatic?
    "I'm just not sure I'm good enough for him. And I'm not talking about the money or class. I just mean me. I'm not sure I'm good wife material, not for somebody like Phillip."
    Carrie rubbed at her temples. Hadn't she voiced the same concerns to Edward just a few days ago? Edward, who wanted to see her again, who sent his sister to give her a message, who was planning a romantic dinner for her this very night. Focus, she ordered herself. Right.
    "Phillip knows you. He knows that you're flighty and prone to distraction, and he loves you anyway. He wouldn't have asked you to marry him if he didn't. And you love him. If you didn't, you wouldn't be worrying about whether or not you're good enough for him."
    Amanda sat swinging one leg over the edge of the bed, her designer pump dangling from her foot. "I guess."
    For all that she was boastful and pretentious, Amanda was insecure inside. She looked like an abandoned puppy sitting there on the massive four poster bed, staring off into space. Carrie had always had a soft spot for puppies. She pulled her sister into a fierce embrace and kissed the top of her perfect blond head.
    "Thanks, Sis. You know, I don't deserve you either."
    "I know."
    Amanda gave Carrie a big smacking kiss on the cheek. She stood, head held high, and walked to the door.
    "And you're absolutely right about the candle holders too. Thanks."
    Amanda blew Carrie a kiss as she left. Carrie slumped onto the bed. She really hoped she'd done the right thing just then. For Amanda, but also for Phillip.
    "I'm sure it was just last minute jitters," she said aloud, "Totally normal. Happens to everybody."
    She may have convinced Amanda, but she was having trouble convincing herself. Thoughts of Edward drove her concerns underground. When would he come? What if he got held up again? She grabbed her phone and read to take her mind off him. It didn't work. Her thoughts kept straying from the words in front of her, drifting back to Edward and replaying their every moment together. She gave up on reading and turned to Facebook for

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