Sophia Hampton - Withdrawal (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 2)

Sophia Hampton - Withdrawal (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 2) by Unknown Page A

Book: Sophia Hampton - Withdrawal (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 2) by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
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scared him.
    He was almost out of his stash, anyway, though. So, it would all be over soon, and he could convince her it was all going to be okay form there on out.
    He went into the bathroom to splash some water on his face and saw that it looked empty. There was no more loofah hanging over the shower knob, and her leaky shampoo was gone. There was no more pleasant womanly smell.
    He rushed to his bedroom like a bat out of hell and started opening all the drawers to find three of them sitting empty. He chased his instincts right into the kitchen where he could see she’d taken half of the food with her.
    Melanie was gone, and he didn’t know where to or if he’d get her back. It was like a hole had formed in the center of his chest and stomach. It was the worst possible consequence of his addiction resurfacing. If only he’d explained it to her, if only he’d told the Colombians no and walked away without the money. But there was no changing it now.
    He seethed as his anger boiled to its peak. He began running through the house punching the walls and kicking his steel-toed boots into anything his foot could find. His rage caused him to tear up the whole house until he reached the dining room where her dining table still sat there like she’d never left.
    He pulled out a chair and plopped down, beginning to sob into his jacket sleeve. He hurt so much, but he had to be ready for the run. He was already so late, and he didn’t have the time or strength to go searching for her or to show up at her house and beg for her forgiveness whenever she came home. For all he knew she was out with another man already.
    He reached deep into his pocket to dig out the last two hits of cocaine he had left and decided to just take them both. He had to get over his emotions, and quick, if he was going to make it through this run.
    He poured it out onto the table and pulled together a long line. He pulled a rolled up dollar bill from the same pocket he’d held the bane of his existence in just moments before. He sniffed up the evil stuff, willing it to suffer and die. This is what was ruining his life, driving away the woman he cared for so much. It was the enemy, and he was taking it all in until there was none left for him to glare out with hatred.
    Andy could feel his nose begin to bleed as his head became lightheaded very quickly. Double the dose meant double the fun, right?
    He stood up, clenching his fists and made himself head out the door and hop on his bike. He revved the engine, feeling fully alive. Oh, what Melanie was missing. He bet all the women he passed would look at him and beg to sink their teeth in, and they could since she had walked out the door.
    He cackled to himself, not bothering with a helmet, as he sped out onto the street, headed to meet his team at the warehouse. This time he was taking ten of them for a huge shipment; a huge payout. He felt all his troubles melting away at the thought. This was truly the life for him, always exciting, always an adventure. He’d have to show Melanie when he got back how much fun it could be together. She’d change her mind in a heartbeat.
    He smiled and waved as he pulled up in front of the ten people who were coming with him. Zoey and her brother took up the rear with Charmaine and Rebecca dead center. Frank proudly pulled up by Andy’s side with a sly grin. “You’re looking good, buddy. I guess you and Mel worked it all out?”
    Andy ignored the question and asked one of his own. “Everyone ready?” Frank nodded and gave everyone the thumbs up. “Got your protection?” Frank flashed the shiny gun inside of his jacket which prompted three others to do the same. Half of them had guns this time, and something in Andy’s insides felt a rush at the thought. Would they finally be challenged?
    The cocaine was spreading through his body, making him crave a thrill, making him feel like he could and would do anything.

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