Sophia Hampton - Withdrawal (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 2)

Sophia Hampton - Withdrawal (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 2) by Unknown Page B

Book: Sophia Hampton - Withdrawal (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 2) by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
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He puffed his chest up like the leader he was and called out to his team. “Let’s do the damn thing!” Ten engines revved at once and they took off two or three at a time headed on their usual route down through Mexico.
    Andy let himself feel the speed as the wind whipped his hair back. They all let out a howl behind him as they entered the highway ramp, scattering and weaving in and out of traffic.
    After about eight hours of driving, Andy watched as much of his team began exiting at various highway exits, pulling off onto the side of the road near an open lot. The cocaine had long since worn off, and he was not in the best of moods. His head was pounding, and his nose kept running. He also felt a bit pissed off at the world for dealing him such a shitty hand. Who the hell was dictating his life? Whoever it was needed a swift kick in the nuts for placing cocaine anywhere near him or even a motorcycle for that matter.
    Andy pulled off at the next exit, knowing full well that it was a necessary stop in their journey. But he couldn’t help feeling the need that they should keep going. Not only was he not in the mood to face Colombian style wrath when they got there late, but he also felt an annoyance at the human condition in general. They always had to be interrupted by necessities.
    He spotted Frank and Rebecca kissing by their bikes which made him feel even worse. He pulled up next to them, glaring into Frank. Frank pulled away from Rebecca quickly and nodded his head towards the field. “I gotta take a piss, buddy. I bet you do too. C’mon so we can get this circus back on the road.” Frank never was good at jokes or puns, and this was no exception.
    Andy shook his head as he followed Frank out into the middle of the empty lot. Weeds had been allowed to grow. No one had owned the land in a while apparently. Certainly no one would want it now that it was overgrown and full of the piss of a motorcycle gang.
    Andy unzipped and pulled himself out of his jeans so he could take a leak real quick. As he looked around he could see that many were starting to do the same. At least they were all in a hurry, or at least most of them. Zipping back up and turning around he saw some pulling out their stash of whatever drugs they’d brought with them. Zoey’s brother was rubbing himself all over one of the girls that had just joined. It was like a bunch of teenagers on a field trip.
    He jumped at the touch of a hand on his shoulder right at that moment. He turned around to see Zoey yet again. She was always popping up at the worst times. His hatred for himself easily transferred to her as she stood there circling him like a vulture. She had provided the drugs. She had constantly been all over him while they did the drugs together. No wonder Melanie had left him. Zoey made it look like less of a slip and more like cheating.
    He ignored her and walked back to the edge of the empty lot. “Everyone, hurry up and piss and get the fuck back on your bikes! No more shitting around!” Andy called out, making his orders final by climbing onto his own bike and starting the engine. He was leaving in five minutes with or without them.
    Andy felt the adrenaline running through him as two old beat up cars chased them on the road. They had almost made it out of Mexico, but here was another drug cartel looking to take some of their cargo. “Defensive strategy, everyone. Pair up with someone who has a weapon and stay next to a truck,” Andy ordered over the radio.
    He pulled out his gun from his jacket, hanging onto the motorcycle with one hand. He fell back a bit so that he could cruise next to the truck in front, but it also put him within closer range of one of the cars who was coming up on his tail.
    It was amazing how lawless it was near the border, even as much security as America said would be there. No one was really concerned that there were a bunch of people with guns shooting each other while

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