DREAM LOVER by Kimberley Reeves

Book: DREAM LOVER by Kimberley Reeves Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberley Reeves
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everything we can remember about our dreams and see if they have anything in common.  Other than the obvious,” he said with a grin.
    “As if I’d tell you the intimate details anyway,” Rachel huffed.
    Nic’s grin broadened.  “That’s too bad.  I was really looking forward to sharing my intimate knowledge of you, Miss Delacourte.”
    “And spoil the surprise of having me find out for myself just how good you are when you take me to bed for real?”  Rachel laughed when his step faltered.  “Don’t tell me the thought hasn’t crossed your mind.”
    “Only a dozen times or so since you walked into my office.  I just didn’t think I was being so obvious, or that you’d call me out for it.”
    “Ah, you think because I was embarrassed to tell you about my dream lover that I was some shy little thing who couldn’t speak her mind.”
    “I guess I should have known better,” he said, recalling how adventurous she was in his dreams.
    Rachel didn’t say anything until they got back to his car.  “Nic…I think we both know it’s inevitable that we’ll end up in bed together…”
    “But not yet?”
    “Normally I don’t mind hoping into bed with a man I’ve just met,” she said with a perfectly straight face, “but for some strange reason I think I’d actually like to get to know you first.”
    Nic laughed as he opened the car door for her.  “I’m truly honored.”
    “As well you should be, Dr. Covelli.”
    She was certainly something else, Nic thought, and whether he ever got her between the sheets or not, he was going to enjoy getting to know Rachel Delacourte better.
    Rachel stole a quick glance at Nic, something she’d been doing quite a lot of over the past hour.  After breakfast they’d gone back to the sleep study lab to retrieve the copy he’d made of the disk and brought it back to her apartment.  They’d sat beside each other on the sofa and used her laptop to scroll through the disk but as Nic suspected, there didn’t seem to be anything but hours and hours of her sleeping.  There wasn’t even any indication that she was suffering from a nightmare around the time he said he’d gone in to check on her, nor was there any disturbance in her sleep near dawn when Nic said she was most likely to have it. 
    “I’ll have to study the monitor readings before I’ll be able to tell exactly when you were having the nightmare,” he told her.
    “I know but…don’t you think it’s odd that I’m not tossing and turning or mumbling in my sleep?”
    “A little maybe, but you have to consider that you’re pretty much immobile in your dream and except for screaming at the very beginning of the nightmare, you don’t actually talk.”
    “This is really starting to give me the creeps,” she’d admitted.  “If you heard me scream, why wasn’t that recorded on the video?”
    “I wish I had an answer for you, Rachel.”
    After determining the video wasn’t going to provide them with any useful information, they’d each taken a pad of paper and started writing down as many details about their dreams as they could recall.  It hadn’t taken her long to jot down everything about the nightmare since it never varied, and details about her dream lover were so vague all she could really do was describe the surroundings and the white satin nightgown she always wore.  Looking at the intensity on Nic’s face now as his pen moved at a furious pace across the page, she wondered if maybe he wasn’t reneging on their agreement to leave out anything too intimate.
    “Are you writing a novel?” she finally asked.
    “Just being thorough.”
    “Now I’m getting nervous.”
    Nic tossed his pen on the coffee table and turned to her with a grin.  “As well you should be, Miss Delacourte.”
    “Nic, you promised…”
    “And I kept

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