Quick, Amanda

Quick, Amanda by Wait Until Midnight

Book: Quick, Amanda by Wait Until Midnight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wait Until Midnight
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deliberately uninterested.
    "I know you better than anyone else in the entire world, with the possible exception of Uncle Wilson. I
    have been aware for some time now that you have very specific rules when it comes to your intimate
    liaisons." She paused meaningfully. "Do you know, I believe that is your chief problem, Adam."
    He went quite blank." What?"
    "Your insistence upon living your entire life by rules. For heaven's sake, you've got them for everything,
    even your romantic connections"
    He cocked a brow. "You stun me, madam. I was under the impression that properly behaved ladies did
    not discuss a gentleman's romantic connections."
    She smiled serenely. "I assure you, every lady I know finds the topic of who is dallying with whom
    fascinating. Indeed, it is usually the first subject discussed at any tea or social gathering."
    Ànother illusion of feminine behavior shattered." He reached for a pen. "And here I thought that the only
    subjects you discussed with your friends were fashions and the latest sensation novels."
    She clicked her tongue. "It is a mystery to me how so many seemingly intelligent gentlemen manage to
    convince themselves that women are shockingly ignorant of the realities of life."
    The comment made him go very still. "We both know that the one thing you are not is shockingly
    ignorant of the realities of life, Julia," he said quietly. "I only wish that I had been able to do a better job of
    sheltering you and the others"
    "Nonsense" The teasing light vanished from her face in a heartbeat. "Do not say such things, Adam. You
    protected us very well indeed when we were young. I suspect Jessica,
    Nathan and I would not have survived without you. But surely you did not think that I believed that you
    lived the life of a monk?"
    He winced. "I had not realized that you gave so much thought to my private life."
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    "I'm your sister in every way but blood," she reminded him gently. "Of course I give the matter of your
    private affairs my closest personal attention." Her delicate brows rose. "As I recall, you gave mine even
    more intense scrutiny when I told you that I was madly in love with Robert."
    "You were an heiress. It was my duty to make certain that you were not married for your fortune."
    "Yes, I know, and you did not rest until you had assured yourself that Robert and I had indeed
    contracted a love match. Robert still shudders whenever he mentions the various inquisitions that he was
    obliged to endure in order to gain your trust and respect."
    "I did not consider those meetings to be inquisitions. I preferred to think of them as opportunities for
    Southwood and I to get to know each other and establish a bond of friendship"
    She laughed. "He told me that he came close to trying to drown you during that fishing trip toScotland .
    He said the only thing that stopped him from pushing you into the loch was the knowledge that you were
    an expert swimmer."
    "We caught some very fine fish on that trip."
    "And then there was the time that you invited him aboardWilson 's yacht for a three-day sail along the
    coast. He dared not refuse for fear you would think him a weakling."
    "The weather was excellent for sailing."
    "He was violently ill throughout the entire trip. He says he still does not understand how you discovered
    before the journey that he is prone to mal de mer."
    He nodded sagely. "I have my sources."
    "My point is that you have always paid very close attention to my personal affairs, and I feel it is only fair
    to return the favor. Unfortunately, you have never given me much of interest to observe"
    "I regret that you find me so exquisitely dull but there is little that I can do about the situation. Now then,
    I hate to interrupt this fascinating conversation but I have plans for this afternoon. I would like to get
    some rest before I go out."
    She made a face. "You are not going to tell me her name, are

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