A Forbidden Love

A Forbidden Love by Lorelei Moone

Book: A Forbidden Love by Lorelei Moone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorelei Moone
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brain and Jamie was thrilled to have him on his side. In fact, perhaps Jamie could utilize Kyle's particular skill set for something of a more delicate nature...
    Jamie looked over at Heidi, who was reviewing the tape from Alison's interrogation on her own. Aidan was out running a few errands, which made this one of the rare times Heidi and Aidan weren't joined at the hip. She was distracted, so Jamie decided to pull Kyle aside for a private chat.
    "Kyle, a moment?" Jamie waved at him, then opened the bottom drawer of his desk and picked up the brown cardboard dossier he always kept in there.
    "Sure. What's up?" Kyle approached Jamie's desk.
    Jamie handed him the file. "This one's off the books, but I would appreciate if you could look into this case for me when you get the chance."
    Kyle opened it and studied the photographs and reports inside. They exchanged a silent look. He understood. "Sure thing, boss."
    Jamie breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he'd hoped, Kyle hadn't demanded an explanation or made things more awkward than they needed to be. Jamie watched him walk back to his computer as if nothing of note had happened.
    It was only a matter of hours before they'd lose the prisoners. The Alliance leadership had some bigger plans for them that Jamie wasn't privy to, and it was a professional loss for their office. Perhaps he'd take another crack at Lee Campbell in particular. If only the man knew what Jamie had been up to with his daughter for the past two nights, it might wipe that smug grin off his face.
    But Jamie didn't get the chance to head downstairs. A loud bang on the door disrupted the calm atmosphere of the office. Was that the transport already? Kyle couldn't have gotten their arrival time that wrong, could he?
    "Open up!" An unfamiliar voice filtered through the heavy, reinforced front door.
    Jamie jumped up to face the threat, as did Heidi. They exchanged a look, while Kyle furiously typed something into a message window on his computer.
    "It's not our people. They're still about an hour away," Kyle whispered, looking up at Jamie with an alarmed frown on his face.
    Jamie nodded, then signaled at Heidi to head to the basement. She didn't hesitate for even a second. For all their differences, Jamie had to respect the wolves' ability to follow orders, especially in a crisis. She was out of the room before the second, much louder bang on the door. Jamie waved at Kyle to position himself behind him, who did so after triggering the silent alarm they'd installed as a precaution months earlier.
    Seconds later, the door started to creak and splinter under the repetitive impacts typical of the same type of manual battering ram Jamie and Aidan had used during their attack on the Sons’ base. Whoever it was, they were determined to get inside and had brought the necessary equipment with them.
    "The data!" Kyle shouted, as he sprinted back to his workstation and pulled the hard drive out of his computer. He hid it underneath the false bottom in one of his desk drawers, created just for this purpose.
    "Get back, Kyle!" Jamie ordered.
    The door swung open, revealing about a dozen determined-looking skinheads in full combat gear.
. Lee Campbell had been right. It was a counterattack.
    "On the ground, filth!" The man in front bellowed, while pointing the muzzle of his weapon in Jamie's direction. If looks could kill... Green eyes, exactly the same shade as the pair Jamie had been gazing into for hours these past few days, shot daggers at him. This must be Alison's brother.
    Jamie weighed his options. Should he comply or attempt to fight? They were outnumbered and outgunned. Shifters didn't use firearms, they rarely had the need to because of their greater physical strength compared to regular humans. Then again, large scale confrontations between the two were rare because both sides kept such a low profile.
    There was no point to endanger Kyle and himself unnecessarily. Jamie grudgingly got down onto the ground

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