A Ghost to Die For

A Ghost to Die For by Elizabeth Eagan-Cox

Book: A Ghost to Die For by Elizabeth Eagan-Cox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Eagan-Cox
Tags: Fantasy, Mystery
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    “That’s not very interesting. However, this is by far more interesting.” Alex held a small tray of filled champagne glasses. We each took a glass and Alex set aside the tray. “The toast is about to begin.”
    Greg Winslow stood next to the draped mystery display. He lightly tapped a pen on the edge of his glass, cleared his throat and announced, “Before I reveal this most provocative display, I have a few words of gratitude to acknowledge. First, the Museum of Mystery would like to acknowledge the work of the writer and photographer who are responsible for the stunning brochure you hold in your hands. Unfortunately the photographer, Mr. Robert Saenz could not be here tonight. However, the writer, Miss Shannon Delaney is, Shannon, if you please.” He gestured me to the front and handed me a sealed envelope. I knew this was going to happen, this was my paycheck. I accepted it with gratitude and returned to Alex.
    Next, Greg read from a list the names of people who had donated time and financial backing to make the museum a reality. Then, holding his glass of champagne up for all to see, he proposed a toast, “May there always be the intrigue and fascination of mystery in our lives.” Everyone applauded.
    After the applause died down, Greg announced, “Now the reveal.” He stood in front of the covered display. It appeared to be a large rectangular item, the size of an old-fashioned telephone booth. Right away my imagination jumped to the image of the infamous Dr. Who’s British Police Public Call Box, that is, in actuality the space and time travel ship used in the Doctor Who British TV series. At least that was my best guess, though, my best guess had nothing to do with Cleopatra.
    In a flourish, Greg pulled off the fabric drape to expose the display. There were oohs and ahs from the crowd and then a round of clapping.
    I gawked in disbelief and then tugged at Alex’s sleeve and made him look me in the face. “That is not Cleopatra,” I hissed through clenched teeth.
    Chapter 11
    Alex gave me a look, the one he has that means, later Shannon, I’ll explain later . “Uh-uh, Alex why did you lie to me?”
    “I fibbed and you know why. Had I told you what the display really is, would you have left it at that?”
    I glared at him and then withdrew, leaving Alex where he stood. I quietly walked around the perimeter of the crowd of people to get a closer look. I stepped up closer to hear Greg give an explanation of the display.
    “The display is of exquisite quality. The exterior measures 85 inches tall, 34 inches wide and as deep. The exterior woods are solid oak while the beveled glass top half was replaced with glass of precise authenticity. Of most importance, this display is fully functional. Allow me to demonstrate.”
    Greg stepped up to the coin-operated display and inserted a dime. “Ladies and gentlemen, after the dime is deposited, notice what happens next. Madame Laveau nods her head up and down once, then she waves both hands over the crystal ball, the crystal ball glows from illumination within the sphere, next she reaches into the small jeweled box, extracts a card and places it in the shoot.” Greg reached into the card receptacle and extracted the card. “Ah-ha, my prophecy. It reads: Do not ask, do not say. Everything lies in silence.”
    “Uh? Greg, what does that mean, exactly?” Asked a man, unknown to me, but obviously familiar with Greg.
    I could see people were puzzled and were looking at Greg waiting for his explanation.
    “Well, I suppose what it could mean is that sometimes a person may react too quickly, without giving due consideration before acting or commenting. Oh, whatever. Let’s not be concerned about it for now, remember this is an amusement and we should not take it seriously. Are there questions?”
    I spoke up. “You may be aware that I have resided in New Orleans, so I am curious as to what a coin-operated fortune telling machine with a

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