A King's Cutter
the reef points.
    Forward men pulled in the traveller inhaul while Jessup eased the outhaul. By the mast the jib halliard was started and waist deep in water on the lee bow the flogging jib was pulled inboard. Within a minute the spitfire was shackled to the halliard, its tack hooked to the traveller and the outhaul manned. Even as the big iron ring jerked out along the spar the halliard tightened. The sail thundered, its luff curving away to leeward as Kestrel fell into the trough of the sea, then straightened as men tallied on and sweated it tight. ‘Belay! Belay there!’
    ‘Ready forrard!’
    Drinkwater heard Jessup’s hail, saw him standing in the eyes, his square-cut figure solid against the pitch of the horizon and the tarpaulin whipping about his legs, for all the world a scarecrow in a gale. Drinkwater resisted a boyish impulse to laugh. ‘Aye, aye, Mr Jessup!’
    He turned to the helmsman, ‘Steady her now,’ and a nod to Poll on the mainsheet. Kestrel gathered way across the wind, her mainsail peak jerking up again to its jaunty angle and filling with wind.
    ‘Down helm!’ She began to turn up into the wind again, spurred by that sudden impetus; again that juddering tremble as her flapping sails transmitted their frustrated energy to the fabric of the hull. ‘Heads’l sheets!’
    ‘Full an’ bye, starboard tack.’
    ‘Full an’ bye, sir,’ answered the forward of the two men leaning on the tiller.
    ‘Is she easier now?’
    ‘Aye sir, much,’ he said shifting his quid neatly over his tongue in some odd sympathy with the ship.
    Kestrel drove forward again, her motion easier, her speed undiminished.
    ‘Shortened sail, sir,’ Drinkwater reported.
    ‘Da iawn, Mr Drinkwater.’
    The wind eased a little as the sun set behind castellated banks of cloud whose summits remained rose coloured until late into the evening. In the last of the daylight Drinkwater had studied the southern horizon, noted the three nicks in its regularity and informed Griffiths.
    ‘One might be an armed lugger, sir, it’s difficult to be certain but he’s standing west. Out of our way, sir.’
    Griffiths rubbed his chin reflectively. ‘Mmm. The damned beach’ll be very dangerous, Mr Drinkwater, very dangerous indeed. The surf’ll be high for a day or two.’ He fell silent and Drinkwater was able to follow his train of thought. He knew most of Griffiths’s secrets now and that Flora’s order had hinged on the word ‘imperative’.
    ‘It means,’ explained Griffiths, ‘that Brown has sent word to London that he is no longer able to stay in France or has something very important to acquaint HMG with,’ he shrugged. ‘It depends
    Drinkwater remembered the pigeons.
    ‘And if the weather is too bad to recover him, sir?’
    Griffiths looked up. ‘It mustn’t be, see.’ He paused. ‘No, one develops a “nose” for such things. Brown has been there a long time on his own. In my opinion he’s anxious to get out tonight.’
    Drinkwater expelled his breath slowly, thinking about the state of the sea on the landing. He stared to the westward. The wind was still strong and under the windsea a westerly swell rolled up the Channel. He was abruptly recalled from his observations by the lieutenant. Griffiths was halfway out of the companionway.
    ‘Come below, Mr Drinkwater, I’ve an idea to discuss with you.’
    ‘Let go.’ The order passed quietly forward from man to man and the cat stopper was cast off. Kestrel’s anchor dropped to the sandy bottom of the little bay as her head fell off to leeward and the seamen secured the sails, loosing the reefs in the mainsail and bending on the big jib. Kestrel had stood slowly in for the rendezvous immediately after dark. Now she bucked in the heavy swell as it gathered up in the shelving bay to fling itself into a white fury on the crescent of sand dimly perceptible below the cliffs that almost enclosed them.
    ‘Hold on.’ The cable slowed its thrumming rumble through

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