A Kiss of Shadows

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Book: A Kiss of Shadows by Laurell K. Hamilton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurell K. Hamilton
Tags: Fiction
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seduction is rape under California law. We need him in jail away from his wife, and this is the surest way to do it. He won’t get bail on a felony charge that includes magic.”
    Lucy nodded. “I agree that the plan is great for Mrs. Norton, but what about Merry? What if this guy pulls out the magical aphrodisiac that he’s used on the other mistresses, the ones who just couldn’t get enough of him like Naomi Phelps?”
    â€œWe’re counting on it,” I said.
    She looked at me. “What if it works? What if you start panting over the microphone?”
    â€œThen Roane breaks down the door playing the jealous lover and drags me out.”
    â€œIf I have trouble getting her to leave, then Uther will come in as my friend and help me take my woman back home.”
    Lucy rolled her eyes. “Well, what Uther wants, Uther gets.” Uther was thirteen feet tall, with a head that was more pig than human, and two curling tusks on either side of his snout. He was a jack-in-irons, but he was named Uther Squarefoot. He wasn’t much good for undercover work, but he was hell on wheels when we needed muscle.
    Uther had excused himself from the room when he realized the dress was coming off. He’d said only, “It’s nothing personal, Merry, don’t make more of it than there is, but seeing any attractive female nearly naked is not good for a man when there’s no hope of relieving the thoughts that spring unbidden.” It wasn’t until he made for the door, stooping his great shoulders low enough to squeeze out the doorway, that I realized something I should have known before. Uther is thirteen feet tall, the size of a large ogre or a very small giant, and there aren’t many females his size in the Los Angeles area. He’d been here nearly ten years. That was a long time to be without the touch of another naked body. How terribly lonely.
    If no one guessed who I really was, and if I didn’t get bespelled out of my mind by Alistair Norton, I’d see about fixing Uther up with someone. Uther wasn’t the only giant-sized fey wandering outside the courts, just the only one in the immediate area. If we couldn’t find someone his size, we might be able to come up with other solutions. Sex doesn’t have to mean intercourse. There are women on the streets that will do just about anything for a couple of hundred dollars, especially if twenty is their going rate. If I were truly fey down to my toes, I’d do Uther myself. That’s what a real friend would do. But I was raised outside the court, out among the humans, from age six to sixteen. It meant that no matter how fey I was, some of my attitudes were human.
    I can’t be human because I’m not. But I can’t be completely fey because I’m not that either. I am half Unseelie Court, but I am not one of them. I am part Seelie Court, but I do not belong among the shining throng. I am part dark sidhe, part light sidhe, and yet neither side wishes to claim me. I have always been on the outside looking in, my nose pressed to the window, but never welcomed inside. I understood isolation and loneliness. It made me hurt for Uther. Made me regret that I wasn’t comfortable helping him with a little friendly, casual sex. But I wasn’t, and I wouldn’t. As usual, I was fey enough to see the problem, but too human to fix it. Of course, if I’d been pure Seelie sidhe, I wouldn’t have touched Uther at any price. He would have been beneath my notice. The Seelie do not fuck monsters. Unseelie sidhe . . . well, define monster.
    Uther wasn’t a monster by Unseelie standards, but Alistair Norton might be. Either a monster, or a kindred spirit of the dark.

Chapter 5

    ALISTAIR NORTON DIDN’T LOOK LIKE A MONSTER. I’D EXPECTED HIM TO be handsome, but it was still disappointing. There is something in all of us that believes deep down that evil shows on the outside, that

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