A Life Unexpected: Holly Nather Book One (Holly Nather Series)
staying at a hotel. We are going to move hotels every few days so we can confuse the Poyen’s visions of where we are. Soon, we will have to fight them.” I really don’t like the last part.
    “Why me?” I ask as tears fill my eyes. “My life was normal.”
    “Holly, I don’t know what it is. You are obviously gorgeous, but looks alone are not why I am so in love with you. It’s the way you deal with everyday situations, it’s the way you laugh, the way you don’t care what anyone thinks about you. It’s every damn thing about you. I have had many visions of you. The visions have been like watching a movie of your life. I have learned so much about you through them. I have never met anyone like you before. Don’t worry, the visions have always been clean and not x rated,” he says with a laugh. “I love the way you dance when no one is looking and cry when a sad commercial comes on. I couldn’t keep myself away from you any longer.”
    I’m flattered and a little freaked out. He knows me without ever meeting me? I guess that explains why he wanted to meet me in person, though. I stare at him, waiting for the part where he tells me this is all a joke. If he does, I will not find it funny at all. As a matter of fact, I will probably hate him for all eternity.
    “But I don’t get it. Why were you seeing visions of me ?”
    “I don’t know. I wish I could explain it, but I can’t. But, I just want you to trust me.”
    “My parents are really worried.”
    He smiles and puts his arms around my waist. “This will all end eventually. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” He moves hair out of my face and kisses me on my forehead.
    My voice raw with frustration, I ask, “Why are you doing this, Luke? Why not marry Lana? You could put an end to all of this! What could be so important that you have to marry this girl anyways?”
    “If Lana and I were to marry together, we’d be the most powerful in Terre. Lana and her family want nothing more than royalty and power. They are high in society, but not a bit of royal blood runs through their veins. Lana is so brainwashed by her parents that she doesn’t care about love, she just wants to be queen one day when my mother and father die. I know if I were to marry her, it wouldn’t’ be long, and both of my parents would be dead. They would kill them, Holly. Lana is ready to be in rule now. She has no intentions of waiting for my parents to die on their own. I had to run away.”
    “What happens if you never go back and your parents die? Who would rule then?” I ask.
    “The Poyen. My dad is over the Poyen. My dad has probably sent the Poyen after me, after he found out about me falling in love with someone else. He wanted me to marry Lana to keep peace. I know better, though. I know their motives. He is so damn naïve. My mother never said much on the situation. I know my dad has sent for your death or capture. He probably thought I would return to marry Lana. Now that I’ve fallen in love, it’s a game changer, and he’s mad. Even worse, Lana and her family will do what they can to take you away from me. I will eventually have to go back.” He rolls over on his back and sighs. “Let’s not talk about this now. You need to sleep. You look so tired. I’m so sorry for leaving you. I thought it would work, and you would come with me.”
    I sit up and look at him. “It’s okay. Umm by the way…the Poyen kind of blew up your car.”
    “It’s just a car. You’re alright. That’s all that matters.” He laughs and sits up beside me. He lifts my chin to his lips and smiles against them. In whisper he says, “I meant it when I told I love you.” He slowly lays me back on the bed and presses his body against mine. I should stop him, but I don’t have the willpower to do so. I want him so bad and it scares the hell out of me. Why am I letting this happen? I need him to get off me. I need to put as much distance between us as I can . This is

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