A Life Unexpected: Holly Nather Book One (Holly Nather Series)
when the door flies open and then slams behind Brody.
    “Privacy would be nice?!” I say with a snap.
    “Do you know about us?!” He asks with a demanding tone.
    I scrunch my eyebrows. “I’m not sure.” I don’t move. I’m frozen with one foot in the tub, and one foot out. I wish he would leave and wait to have this conversation when I’m fully clothed.
    “Did Luke tell you about him?!”
    “Yes.” I hiss. Does he not realize how rude he is being? Or does he think it’s okay to just barge in on a girl in the bathroom?
    “So you know about us then?”
    I cut my eyes at him. “No. He didn’t tell me anything about you.”
    Brody just realized where he is. Brody slaps himself on the forehead and groans. “Oh shit, Holly. I’m so sorry! I just couldn’t wait to ask. I wasn’t thinking. Put on some clothes and meet me in the living room. Sorry!” He leaves and closes the door.
    Well, that’s at the top of my most embarrassing moments. I put on some clean pajama pants and a long sleeved shirt. I brush my hair and walk out of the bathroom. I go into the living room where three guys are staring ominously at me. I sit down in an oversized recliner and pull my knees to my chest.
    Brody finally breaks the silence. “We are from Terre too. We also have magic. I was hesitant to help you out because as soon as you called, I knew there was trouble. If we get caught helping you and Luke…” Brody doesn’t finish what he’s saying, but whatever he was about to say made fear evident in his eyes.
    “But you did help, and I thank you,” I say. “I’m scared as hell and so confused. In two days my life has become a nightmare.”
    “I’m sure it has. Luke should have left you alone but he didn’t. Now we have to do all we can to fix this. When Luke decided to leave Terre, we all made the decision to stick by his side. So I’m in, whatever I have to do,” Jett says with confidence.
    “Are we really going to risk our own lives for Luke and some girl?” Mason asks. He looks extremely irritated by this whole situation. “This situation screams bullshit!”
    “Mason, we knew what would happen if he fell in love with someone. You encouraged him to meet her. This is partly your fault. We have to help,” Brody says.
    I listen to them debate on whether to help or not. I hate that I’m the cause of all this. As I’m thinking how horrible I am, the front door opens and in walks the guy I have been anxiously waiting to see. It’s Luke. Against my better judgment, I run up to him and put my arms around him. He lifts my head to look at him.
    “Are you alright?”
    I nod and lay my head against his chest.
    “It was hell trying to get back here,” Luke says while running his hand through my hair. Mason, Brody and Jett shake their heads. “I had a vision, and the Poyen are back in our world. They are trying to figure out a new plan. It won’t take them long to figure out Holly is with us and where we are. We need to go somewhere else.”
    “We need to put a protective barrier around us until we come up with a plan,” Jett says. They all agree, join hands and start concentrating really hard without saying a word. I feel useless.
    Luke looks at me when they are done. “It won’t last very long, but long enough for us to come up with a plan.”
    They continue in deep conversation about everything that’s going on. I quickly realize I’m of no help and walk to Brody’s room. I lie down and think of all the people who are worried about me right now. I do my best to push negative thoughts from my mind and try to concentrate on falling asleep. I’m just about to doze off, when Luke walks into the room.
    “Hey,” He whispers as he lays down next me.
    “So, what’s the plan?” I ask, while rolling over to face him. Even with everything going on I can’t deny my growing feelings for him.
    He props his head on his hand and plays with a strand of hair that is in my face. “We are leaving in the morning and

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