A Memory Away
feeling in my lower extremities was totally worth it.”
Two months later he discovered he was pregnant. 
Whenever he had allowed himself to think of his anonymous hook-up the one memory that was always strong was the feeling of those strong hands holding and moulding his body and the amazingly sweet kisses that seemed incongruous in the context of a back alley fuck. Kyle shuddered as he thought of those hands raised against him in anger – a very real possibility if Jonah found out about Shea and reacted badly.
H e thought again of the soft kisses and the gentle manner Jonah had displayed in the aftermath of their first encounter. Maybe, in his heart of hearts, he was starting to think that the man that had been so careful with him in the club and who had tried to be reassuring and comforting over the vandalism and in its aftermath was someone who deserved to know he had fathered a child. He traced a finger over Shea’s face again and thought about his son being denied his other parent and another person that might love him and cherish him as he grew up. The idea that he might deny his beloved baby that just because he was shamed and scared to approach Jonah left an increasingly bad taste in his mouth.
“ Kyle, sweetie?” He looked up, startled, when Megan knocked on the door and poked her head in the office. “You okay? You’ve been in here a while.” Her eyes dropped to the photo frame and she winced. “Oh. Thinking about Shea and Jonah, huh?”
Kyle smiled wanly at her and gently set the frame back on his desk. “Yes.” He gave Shea one last look and then nodded decisively. “Yes, I’ve decided something too.” His shoulders straightening with new purpose and courage, Kyle lifted his head and said firmly, “I’m going to tell him. I’m going to tell Jonah he’s Shea’s father.”

Chapter 6 .
When they actually caught the perps behind the spate of vandalism in Kyle’s neighbourhood no one was more surprised than the investigating detectives. Especially since Jonah felt like he could barely put one foot in front of the other thanks to waking the last three nights hard as a rock and having images of Kyle Gerritsen in various states of arousal shaking under his hands. He rubbed a weary hand over his eyes and tried to quash the annoyance he felt with the two teenaged kids sitting with their hands cuffed behind their backs and sniffling miserably at him.
“You’re not gonna tell my mom, are you?” The blonde boy, looking barely more than thirteen, sniffed disgustingly and looked petrified when he peered up at Jonah from his seat on the deli shop floor he had been caught spray painting by the terrifying two hundred and fifty pound owner. “She’ll get really mad.”
Jonah dropped his hand and glared downwards. “Kid, I’m really mad. Trust me; your mom is the least of your worries.” He jerked his head to indicate Lopez taking the statement of the woman who had discovered the vandals and, by judicious use of her impressive bulk, had kept them trapped in her doorway whilst she made a citizen’s arrest and called the cops. “And if you don’t stop with the crying and pissing me off I’m gonna turn you back over to Mrs Abretti over there and let her beat your skinny asses bloody, you got me?”
The blonde kid’s Hispanic sidekick shot an alarmed look at the fearsome looking Mrs Abretti and burst into noisy, gulping sobs.
Jonah, unable to believe that these were the crack crime lords that had been running him and his partner ragged for the best part of the last month, rolled his eyes and raised his voice to call across to Lopez. “Hey, you got a Kleenex or something?” He looked down at his two prisoners when the blonde kid broke down along with his partner and sighed heavily. “Swear to God, you end up pissing yourselves and I’m making you walk to the station. No way are you getting in my car, my captain’ll never spring to get it cleaned up.”
Kyle looked up when the shop door

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