A Memory Away
his shirt back in and get himself zipped up.
“Hey,” Hands came arou nd and covered his shaking ones and then he was being turned and propped up against the wall while he stared dumbly down and saw those big hands nimbly get him tidied up and made presentable once more. “It’s okay. You’re alright.” A finger hooked under his chin and tilted his head up until he was looking into smiling eyes. “Feeling a bit weird, huh?”
More li ke thoroughly ashamed of myself , thought Kyle, cringing when he realised he had been howling like a dog at the end and they were mere feet away from the street where anyone could have seen them. Filled with a sudden panic he wrenched his head to the side and was only partially reassured to see there was no one standing there gawping at his descent into shameless anonymous sex.
The guy laughed again and tugged his face back round, dropping a kiss on the tip of his nose. “Relax, no one else saw. I don’t share.” He kissed Kyle’s nose again. “Not even on a loaner.”
Kyle frowned. “Loaner? I don’t understand.”
The man opened his mouth again but before he could reply the back door to the club opened cautiously and a man’s voice called quietly, “Hey, you still out here?”
“Fuck.” The man hissed quietly and grinned apologetically at Kyle before raising his voice and calling back, “Yeah, Danny. You okay?”
“Yeah.” There was an awkward pause and then Danny – who Kyle assumed was the Asian man that had stopped them on the way out of the club – said uncomfortably, “We, uh, gotta go, man. People are looking for us.”
“Right.” The man looked down at Kyle for a moment, paused and then said regretfully, “That’s our cue.” He stepped back and gestured for Kyle to precede him. “After you.” He grinned when Kyle’s eyes flickered down and stared at the front of his jeans and said, “Took care of me before I did you.” He caught Kyle’s arm when he winced with another bolt of shame and tried to step past him, muttering, “Just...one more for the road, okay?”
Kyle ’s eyes barely had time to widen in sudden alarm – was the guy expecting him to have a threesome with his friend? – before he found himself pulled into muscled arms and his mouth taken in a long, luxurious kiss. He gripped firm biceps and let himself melt into the embrace, loving the way big hands cupped the back of his head and gripped his ass and then he was turned loose and blinking up at a surprisingly sweet smile.
“T hanks.” The guy dropped a last chaste kiss to his mouth and reluctantly released him, pulling him to the door and past his embarrassed looking friend. He didn’t speak again until they were back in the club and Kyle was being presented to Megan like the prize from a particularly successful hunt. “Back safe and sound.” The guy winked at Megan and then brushed his knuckles along Kyle’s chin and grinned. “Might see you around.” He went to turn away and then paused, looking over his shoulder. “You stay together when you leave here and get a cab home, okay? Don’t walk or get the bus or subway.” His gaze lingered on Kyle’s kiss swollen mouth for a moment and then lifted to his dazed eyes. “There are some nasty bastards around out there.”
Kyle nodded. “Okay. Thanks.” He watched as another blinding smile was shot his way and then a hand was lifted and his mohawked hook-up was gone.
Megan gripped his arm and all but yelled, “What the hell was that? Are you out of your goddamned mind?” She shook him when he stayed staring at the spot the man had been and said more gently, “Kyle? What happened? Are you okay?”
Kyle turned his head in reaction to the concern in her voice and blinked slowly. “I can’t feel my knees.”
Looking startled for a moment, Megan stared and then cracked a grin. “That good, huh?”
A wide, satisfied smile split Kyle’s face and he let himself feel the ache in his ass from his encounter. “Oh my God, yes. Loss of

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