The Tomorrow Heist

The Tomorrow Heist by Jack Soren

Book: The Tomorrow Heist by Jack Soren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack Soren
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and might not for quite some time, but she knew what she was going to have to do once Umi knew where Per Broden would be long enough for Tatsu to connect with him. She really wanted to be back by Umi’s side for the coming event, and she might still make it, but that would have to wait for now.
    Umi had rescued Tatsu when she was young and lost, and she would do anything for the matriarch. And she had already proved it, time and time again.
    Tatsu pulled up Per Broden’s picture again on her phone’s screen and examined it, memorizing every detail.
    He was a funny little man on the surface, but his files told a different story. According to the reports, he was intelligent, perceptive, tenacious and, as of late, dangerous. He’d spent most of his life in law enforcement in Stockholm; first for the police, then for the Swedish Security Ser­vice. He excelled at puzzles and had an incredibly high success rate, almost as high as his IQ. Though apparently as the years went on, the violence associated with his cases had increased. He’d finally retired five years ago and now worked as a kind of international private investigator, still picking and choosing the most enigmatic cases he could find. And apparently Tatsu’s recent work had caught his interest. She smiled slightly when she imagined the little man trying to figure out what “Dead Lights” meant.
    Tatsu closed her eyes, turned on her side, and tried to calm her mind. But as had happened for the past few weeks, when she closed her eyes, she saw the face of the man she’d killed in the Houston bombing. She didn’t feel remorse, exactly, but she continued to wonder why she hadn’t delayed the attack. The bombs that had leveled the building were on timers, and she’d had a kill-­switch app in her phone. All she would have had to do was tap her screen, and the timers would have stopped. When the man was done whatever he was doing in there that late at night, dressed the way he was, she could have restarted the timers and still have completed her mission. But she hadn’t. It hadn’t even occurred to her at the time.
    She knew there were a lot of good reasons for not stopping the timers, of course. If the man had noticed the stopped timers and fiddled with them or reported them, the mission would have been in jeopardy. And for all she knew, he’d been sent there to stop her. But that last part was a stretch and doubtful.
    Of course, he wasn’t the first person Tatsu had killed and wasn’t even the first person she’d killed for Umi, but he was the first person she’d killed because he happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. She was aware that he might actually not be the only one. She hadn’t done a full search of the other facilities she’d bombed in the past few weeks, but she’d always been assured that the premises were vacant. Of live ­people, anyway. But there was a difference when you actually knew, when you’d looked a person in the eye—­albeit through binoculars—­watching as his life stopped.
    Tatsu’s thoughts were dragged away by voices nearby. While she was only pretending to be waiting for a delayed flight, there were large groups of ­people scattered around benches and tables throughout the airport who were doing it for real. At a bench across from her, a ­couple of girls in their teens sat with backpacks in their laps looking down at the busy concourse several meters below, their demeanor plainly showing that traveling was something new for them. Behind them, three young men in their early twenties laughed to themselves. Every now and then one of them would step forward and harass the girls for a bit before stepping back to shoulder punches and nods of approval from his compatriots. And each time they did it, they got more brazen.
    Throngs of ­people still streamed by, but they either didn’t notice the scene or were

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