A Night Away

A Night Away by Carrie Ann Ryan Page B

Book: A Night Away by Carrie Ann Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carrie Ann Ryan
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal
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body fit around him like a tight glove, and they both gasped.
    Water beat down on them, and he pistoned his hips, loving he way her breasts bounced with each thrust. His balls tightened, and he came as she did. The water grew cool around them, and he laughed.
    “I guess we won’t be getting clean,” he whispered.
    “We may need to take a cold shower because I want you again.”
    They quickly washed in the cold water and got out. Kade dried his mate and kissed her skin.
    “Kade, stop. I can’t focus when you do that.”
    “I’m just checking to make sure you’re clean. It’s my duty as your mate.”
    She threw back her head and laughed. “Well, then, continue.”
    He licked her skin, loving her honey-vanilla taste, before he groaned and pulled back.
    “Okay, I need to stop. Let’s go get everything packed away and then head home.”
    “And see our Finn.”
    Images of his smiling little boy filled his mind. “Yes, that sounds perfect.”

    Chapter 8
    The SUV pulled through the wards surrounding the Redwood den, and a wave of peace settled over Mel from the pull of the Pack. This was her home. Yes, before she’d met Kade, she’d had a place where she lived, but it hadn’t been a home. The Redwoods and her family were everything to her. Though it had taken a night away for her to realize they were everything, she needed to be someone else as well.
    Someone just for her and Kade.
    Someone just for her.
    Kade reached out and stroked her hand before wrapping his palm around hers, tangling their fingers.
    “Ready to enter the wolf’s den?” he teased.
    “Har har.”
    “I know. Jasper’s the funny one.”
    “It’s true.”
    “I’m wounded, baby. Wounded. However, I’m getting anxious to see Finn.”
    She bounced in her seat and smiled. “We’re such dorky parents. I mean, we run away for the night and yet have to run home faster. What is wrong with us?”
    “We love our life, even though we need time to breathe every once in a while.”
    Their home came into view, and Mel smiled.
    “We’re here,” Kade said softly and squeezed her hand.
    Mel unbuckled her seatbelt the moment the car stopped and threw open the door. She glanced over her shoulder and winked.
    “Last one there gets to clean up Maddox’s mess,” she taunted.
    Kade growled and smirked before jumping out of the car. But she had a head start and beat him by mere moments to the door.
    “I win!”
    “Damn it.” Kade shook his head. “I’m afraid to see what they’ve done.”
    Mel laughed and opened the door, taking a step inside.
    “I resent that remark, dear brother,” Maddox said from the living room.
    Mel stopped in her tracks and held back tears.
    Her home was spotless. Absolutely and utterly spotless. Every toy was put away. Every piece of clothing gone. The room was dusted, vacuumed, and there were freshly cut flowers in wooden vases around the house.
    Kade nudged her farther in the room and shut the door behind them.
    “Maddox,” she whispered, “what did you do?”
    He shrugged and lowered his scarred face, clearly embarrassed. An unusual emotion from the usually closed off wolf.
    A soft cry made Mel turn around. Her brown-haired baby boy ran on chubby legs toward them. She knelt and opened her arms. He jumped and settled his weight against her, kissing her cheeks.
    “Oh, Finn. Did you have fun with Uncle Maddox?”
    He grinned and she kissed his lips, his cheeks, and his brow. She pulled back to look him over.
    “Did you grow?” Oh no. He couldn’t have grown in a day right?
    Kade reached over and pulled Finn into his arms. “You’re a big boy, aren’t you? Did you miss us?”
    Finn squealed and hugged his daddy. Mel teared up and stood to fall into Kade’s outstretched arm. God, she loved these men.
    No matter what was going on in her life and how many directions they pulled her in, these two would forever be her everything.
    A discreet cough pulled her from her thoughts, and she

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