A Night Away
coffee brewed. When the oven buzzed, he set the buns inside and kept the door slightly ajar so they didn’t get too hot and burn. The smell of freshly brewed coffee teased his nostrils, and he groaned.
    God, that smelled delicious.
    The front screen opened and Mel walked in, a smile on her face, and a tear running down her cheek.
    He quickly put everything down and ran to her, his heart racing.
    “What? What’s going on? Why are you crying? Tell me.” He held her upper arms in his hands and looked down at her face.
    “Everything’s fine, Kade.” She lifted to her toes and kissed his jaw. “Finn and Maddox are fine. I just heard our little boy’s voice when he babbled into the phone, and I got all emotional.”
    He relaxed and pulled her to his chest. “I miss him too. We’ll be home later.”
    She sighed and wrapped her arms around his waist. “And then it will start all over again.”
    Kade patted her bottom and nipped her ear. “Then let’s do something about it.”
    “I hate relying on others though.”
    Kade kissed her temple before releasing her and went to the oven to pull out the rolls. He turned and found Mel holding two steaming cups of coffee in her hands as she sat at the table. He took a mug and sipped the hot brew, the spicy roast tantalizing on his tongue.
    Mel took a bite of the roll, a smear of frosting glistening on her lips. Kade fought the urge to lick it off. He had to talk about their plans for the future. They could make love again soon. Just not now.
    “Finn is growing up,” Kade said, and Mel nodded before licking her lips to get rid of the frosting.
    Must. Not. Bend. Her. Over. Table.
    “So,” Kade cleared his throat and continuted, “he will still rely on us but for different things. I think it may be time we wean him completely from you.”
    He held his breath and waited for her response. He knew her feeding Finn was a tremendous connection with their son, but it was killing her.
    She closed her eyes, and Kade wanted to crawl under a rock and die. So much for being an Alpha. As soon as he’d hurt his mate he wanted to run away.
    “I was thinking the same thing.”
    Relief spread through him, and he placed his hand on top of hers on the table. “And then I was thinking of employing Cailin.”
    “What?” She tilted her head, utter confusion in her blue eyes.
    “Well, you’ve been putting your whole life into Finn and the Pack, but no one has been there to give it back to you.”
    “Kade, I love being a mom. And acting as the Heir’s mate is truly rewarding and worthwhile. I don’t want to change that.”
    “I know. But I think it’s time that others know it’s okay to help you.”
    She stiffened.
    “And me. Honestly, I’ve been used to relying on myself and helping others. But maybe we can ask for help too.”
    “So how does Cailin fit into this?”
    “I was thinking maybe she could be our nanny.”
    Mel burst out laughing and almost spilled her coffee. “Kade. Your sister? Cailin?”
    “Hey, she’s great with Finn.”
    “I know; she’s amazing. But would she want to be a nanny?”
    “She wouldn’t have to live with us, or do much more than babysit daily. But it would give you time to do what you need and for us to be alone more.”
    She smiled softly and got up. What was she thinking? Would she feel like he was trying to take over?
    Mel pulled his chair back and straddled his lap. His cock perked up and slowly filled.
    “I think it’s a perfect idea. I know your family has been trying to help, but we’ve both been resistant.”
    “I know. I think we just wanted to prove we could do it all because we’re the Heirs.”
    “And yet, everyone else relied on us.”
    “Exactly.” He leaned forward and kissed her lips while gripping her ass in his palms.
    She shifted and rubbed against his now painfully-hard cock. “So,” she purred, “does Cailin know she’s been volunteered?”
    “Actually, it was her idea.”
    “Really. She wanted to

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