escape into the back room. She bypassed the office and surged into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. She splashed cold water on her face as the fear and humiliation built at the back of her throat.
This was not the time to give in to panic again. She took a minute to breathe. In and out. Just breathe.
She looked in the mirror and saw her mother in the eyes staring back at her. The tears came quick, choking her. She covered her face with her hands, shame and regret dragging her under.
The door behind her opened swiftly. “Hey, I thought you were here to help,” Olivia said.
Briar clenched her teeth together. “You really need to get that lock fixed.”
“What the hell’s the matter, Briar?”
Her voice shook. “How dare you?”
Olivia put a hand on her shoulder. “Briar...”
“Don’t touch me!” Briar swatted the hand away and whirled. “How dare you tell her about my problems?”
“She has a right to know,” Olivia said. “She has as much right as I do now that she’s a part of this place. And she’s willing to help.”
“I don’t need her damn help!” Briar shouted in a blinding burst of anger. “Why do you all think I’m some weakling who desperately needs saving?”
“No one thinks that, hon.”
“You and I know everyone thinks that. You, Adrian, Roxie, her fiancé...even Cole Savitt.”
“Cole’s just a nice guy who likes you.”
Briar shook her head as more tears fled down her cheeks. “Cut that out, Olivia.”
“I’m not interested in your matchmaking,” Briar said bitterly. “All it’s ever done is bring Adrian more disappointment. How do you expect it to work out any better for me?”
“You’ve had your guard up ever since Paris. I would never set you up for a fall like that again.”
“Please. I need you to just stop playing games with me and Cole. He’s not interested.”
“Yes, he is. It’s so obvious!”
“I said stop! I don’t need anyone in my life. Especially not some stranger who’s here for a couple of weeks and then gone. If I get one more stone thrown at me, I don’t think I’ll be able to stand alone again.”
“That’s what I’m here for,” Olivia assured her. “I just want to help, Briar.”
Another wave of anger geysered up, fast and blistering hot. “Well, help yourself. You haven’t had a decent relationship any more than I have. Spend your time finding someone you don’t have to drive away after a month or less.”
Olivia’s eyes darkened, her jaw firming. For a moment, she only glared. Then she jerked her chin in a resolute nod and sucked in a breath. “You’ve made your point. I’ll leave you alone.”
Briar closed her eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m a mess and I’m taking it out on you. I didn’t mean that, Liv.”
“Yes, you did,” Olivia said. “I know you, Briar. You mean everything you say.”
Briar sank to the closed lid of the toilet seat and rocked herself. “Maybe. But your love life isn’t the issue. I shouldn’t have dragged it into this.”
Olivia shrugged as a tense silence carried over them. “Yeah, it was a cheap shot.” She leaned against the sink, watching Briar’s pained face. “Listen, if you really don’t want me around the inn anymore, I’ll give you some space.”
She shook her head. “You’re all I’ve got left.”
Olivia slung an arm around Briar’s shoulders. “That’s ridiculous. You’ve got Adrian and Kyle, too. We’re family, the four of us. And I mean it when I say I’m here for you, cuz.”
Briar sighed. “I know.”
Olivia patted her cheek. “Are we better now?”
Briar sniffled, nodded. “I think so.”
“Then fix your makeup because we’ve got a bunch of thirsty people to charm before the night’s done.”
“Right.” Briar squared her shoulders and locked composure into place, a practice she’d mastered long ago. “Back to work.” Work would save her, even if nothing else could.
* * *
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